Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
2 The basic negotiating position of the United States , presented to the IMF in November 1972 , was that countries should peg their currencies to the SDR , but that they would be obliged to devalue or revalue if their reserves fell below or rose above certain predefined warning levels .
3 Perhaps the new committee should concentrate its efforts on the ends of the age spectrum and ignore the middle .
4 It is right that every household should know its rights under the NHS .
5 The election of a unashamedly right-wing leader , John Smith , should free its members from the loyalty oaths of the Kinnock era , particularly if shadow cabinet jobs are crudely dished out to his supporters .
6 The Duchess of Kent on suggestions that Australia should break its links with the Queen
7 Anybody who wants to communicate with Ken should send their letters to the What Personal Computer office — you 'll find our new address at the front of the magazine .
8 Anybody who wants to communicate with Ken should send their letters to the What Personal Computer office , at the usual address .
9 In a month when Harpers & Queen magazine devotes several pages to the lost art of manners , it may seem strange that parents should send their daughters from the most polite nation in the world to this newly graceless country .
10 You should prune your roses in the spring .
11 Ideally you should float your purchases in the bucket and gradually mix the water as you would for any newly-stocked fish .
12 Healthcare professonals working with drug users should reconsider their policies on the use of bleach .
13 Take special care with long quoted passages ( more than a couple of sentences or more than a few lines of a poem ) , as a lengthy quotation which is not then followed by detailed analysis and discussion is probably being used ( illegitimately ) as a way of replacing rather than supporting your argument ; you should guide your readers through the significance of what you have selected for their attention .
14 I know there is a public perception that everyone should sell their shares at the first opportunity , but I think this could be a big mistake . ’
15 You should take your books into the fresh air . ’
16 Sir Henry Cole thought that the answer to the problem was simple : Scott should remodel his proposals on the lines of Inigo Jones ' scheme for Whitehall Palace , and eventually Street asked in The Builder what was to be gained from changing the architect ; a Gothic building was appropriate , and Scott should be allowed to get on with the work .
17 Hearing-aid wearers should switch their aids to the ‘ T ’ setting .
18 In the end they agreed that the 120 commissioners should hold their meetings in the church of St-Castor at Koblenz , lodging each night on opposite sides of the Rhine " to forestall outbreaks of fighting between the commissioners ' men " .
19 The Germans should recall their experiences in the area , when the fighting tied down seven German divisions .
20 Ideally both the managing director of the company and the principal should put their names to the agreement , rather than , say , the training manager and the industrial liaison officer .
21 The success of the pilot project led to a decision in principle that EESA should extend its activities throughout the city .
22 She many times desired that the crucifix should loosen His hands from the Cross , and embrace her in token of love . ’
23 Edward 's treatment of his youngest sons was markedly lacking in generosity , and noted by contemporaries : in a political sermon delivered during the crisis of 1376 Thomas Brinton Bishop of Rochester argued that the king should place his sons above the servants , for it was not right and just that servants should become lords and lords beggars .
24 Debate centred particularly on proposals that the WEU should intensify its links with the European Communities ( EC ) , instead of acting primarily as the co-ordinating body for the European element of the NATO alliance .
25 PERHAPS Gadfly ( Echo February 26 ) should check his facts about the Spennymoor Town Centre sculpture .
26 Ian Hay told me the lady 's last wish had been that the Colonel should scatter her ashes in the headwaters of the River Laxford : ‘ But , you see , his new young wife was not the sort of lady to enjoy much walking and the poor Colonel just did n't know how he was going to get the job done .
27 A military commander should order his troops in the way best calculated to achieve victory at a minimal cost .
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