Example sentences of "first [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her lawyers had argued the heiress retained reproduction rights on works by Matisse purchased by her father before 1910 , when French law first made the distinction between property rights and ‘ immaterial rights ’ such as those of reproduction .
2 I first became a Member of Parliament in 1979 , taking my place that summer as a back-bencher in what was to become an historic Parliament .
3 I wanted to light a match , but knew there were only four matches left now , and that I must wait until I reached the Bible-box where I could first make a handful of paper spills to keep the flame going .
4 It was in nineteen seventy seven that the European parliament first passed a resolution on voting rights in European elections .
5 It is good that information about antibiotic treatment is given in the article , I feel bound to question the reference made to feeding antibiotics to Koi as a matter of routine without first ascertaining the presence of disease and the validity of a specific antibiotic to deal with it .
6 Lord ferrers has kept silent about the proposal since he first approached the Ministry of Defence .
7 Craig had first won the seat for East Belfast as a member of the coalition .
8 In 1934 it was shown that pyloric stenosis could be confirmed by barium meal examination , and in 1977 Teele and Smith first described the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis .
9 He first described the form of cancer common in children in Africa , now known as ‘ Burkitt 's Lymphoma ’ .
10 The first involved the extension of duty exemption on cement imports for three years , and the second arose from an order instructing the Bureau of Inland Revenue to refund to mining companies some 2,000 million pesos ( US$1=23.8713 pesos as at Aug. 10 , 1992 ) in taxes from which , Garrucho ruled , they were exempt .
11 The experience of the Belfast researchers was that a narrow transcription was needed to identify in the first place the range of vowel variation associated with different phonetic environments .
12 In the first place the division of trade between intra- and extra-trade is not only affected by economic integration .
13 ABOVE Mozart rehearsing with the soprano Caterina Cavalieri , who first played the role of Constanze in Die Entführung .
14 Fuqua Industries first estimated the cost of capital for the corporate group using CAPM principles and then modified it for a division by reference to fourteen key risk elements .
15 But they must first study a variety of assessment procedures , try them out , and research the outcomes rigorously .
16 Sister Murphy had been the last nurse to be with Sister Edith Cavell , and King George V had honoured her by making her the first to receive a medal for bravery at one of his levees .
17 W.J.T. Morton was the first to receive the diploma of membership , on 15 May .
18 Kurt was able to sign up without first enduring the humiliation of internment .
19 Much the better practice is first to state the rule of law and then to apply it to the facts .
20 The bureaucratization of the party was first made a target of criticism by Trotsky , who drew attention to the way that , under Stalin , the party functionaries rather than its representative elements had come to control the party and how these functionaries had become indistinguishable in their political interests from the functionaries of the state apparatus .
21 The basic solution is first to restrict the flow of water percolating down into the aquifers by planting trees , preferably native species , on the higher ground .
22 Although this region was the nation 's first to identify the cause of smog and to make pioneering strides towards curbing air pollution , population growth keeps overwhelming its efforts .
23 They became the first club since the war to win the Cup and the League , and were the first to win the League on goal average .
24 Mr Jones retired in September 1989 , sixty years after he first joined the University as clerk in the Registrar 's Office .
25 As I recall it had all started about three months ago when Miss Court first joined the group of church helpers but she was more of a helper as we had never seen her at church before .
26 The first concerns the issue of self-management by workers and peasants .
27 The first concerns the application of knowledge :
28 They first describe the work of love as a double edged activity with positive and negative effect — purging sin and kindling the heart , clearing the soul and removing anger and sloth , wounding in love and fulfilling with charity , chasing off the devil and extinguishing fear — and then level out to the strongly stressed affirmation which defines the positive potential of the negative statement in chapter one " he hase noght Jhesu Criste , he tynes all he has , and all he es , and all he myght gete " ( 85.19 – 21 ) for he that has " Jhesu " grows through prayer to the fulfilment of human potential : heaven is open to him and he is made a " contemplatif man " .
29 I first borrowed a bottle from work and it works like magic .
30 Minton had first employed the process of colour separation in The Snail that Climbed the Eiffel Tower .
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