Example sentences of "also have [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The editor might also have noted the colloquial sense of roaming around which the verb shatatsya carries , for this may perhaps have encouraged the switch from Shaposhnikov to Shatov as the novel began to define itself .
2 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
3 Volcanotectonic faults that controlled the eruption pattern may also have influenced the subsequent fault control of the West Cumbrian Permo-Carboniferous basins .
4 Had the employer known of the pregnancy at the date of appointment he would not have appointed the woman and the employer would also have dismissed a male employee engaged for this purpose who required a leave of absence at the same time for medical or other reasons .
5 The owners of the major-league clubs ( they have increased in number from 26 to 28 with the creation of the Florida Marlins and the Colorado Rockies ) will also have to conclude a new contract with the players ' union .
6 It would also have provoked a military crisis in that once in the Crimea , the Emperor must become virtually Commander-in-Chief of all the forces , including the British .
7 Spreading ridges can decrease the total volume of the world 's oceans , but a prolonged period of volcanism may also have increased the total volume of water .
8 Moreover , now that I come to think of it , it is perhaps not so surprising that it should also have made a deep impression on Miss Kenton given certain aspects of her relationship with my father during her early days at Darlington Hall .
9 The unanimous condemnation of marriage as a trade by the feminist movement may also have made a significant contribution to the new emphasis on marriage as a partnership .
10 The incident must also have inspired the melancholy bagpipe tune , ‘ Soor Plums of Galashiels ’ .
11 Later , each division will be able to undertake their own risk assessments , using their NEBOSH trained personnel , who will also have completed a short risk assessment course .
12 They will also have developed a new technique for controlling reactions within a fusion reactor .
13 If your mortgage is for more than 70 per cent of the property 's value you will also have to pay a special insurance premium .
14 You may also have to pay an extra charge if you take equipment back with more damage than when you took it out ( make sure any damage is recorded when you pick up the goods ) and if the equipment is so dirty that it requires cleaning .
15 She may also have to face a serious reduction in income , which might necessitate the sale of her house and the loss of her settled way of life by a move to another neighbourhood and to a smaller home , or into yours if that is to be the arrangement you both decide upon .
16 In addition , the economies of Holland and the Scandinavian countries are especially sensitive to international trade influences , which may also have encouraged a broad approach to wage determination .
17 A more inquiring mind might also have drawn a different conclusion from the most peculiar episode in the book , which concerns the death in Liege in 1922 of a young man called Kleine .
18 Editor , — In the editorial on treating persistent glue ear in children Ruut A de Melker might also have mentioned the high rate of repeat operations to insert grommets for glue ear .
19 In that case , as already suggested , the contract will also have to contain an express exclusion of the implied condition .
20 Fergus did not say it , but he thought that Dierdriu would hear the cry , and he thought , as well , that she would also have experienced the immense lonelinesses , the sudden fierce panics , because it was inevitable that when you were a creature not quite Human , you would instinctively look for your own kind .
21 In particular , the symbol for gimmel would have become associated with some name or sound equivalent to that associated with the Roman ‘ G ’ ; the mem symbol and the Roman ‘ M ’ would also have acquired a common associate .
22 A razor-sharp edge is essential ; by the time the operator has achieved this , he will also have acquired the basic mowing swing and overcome the inevitable backache .
23 Thousands of others in low income groups , including disabled people who receive invalidity benefit , would also have to bear the extra fuel cost themselves , added NACAB .
24 The executive will also have submitted a written summary of the issues along with its ruling and views .
25 Another exception to the proposed pattern , is the 34 acre town at Caister-by-Yarmouth ; this is the only town apart from Brough-on-Humber , which occupied an exposed position on the east coast , vulnerable to sea-raiders and it probably required this protection , but it must also have had a special relationship with the nearby Saxon Shore fort at Burgh Castle .
26 The latter , however , may also have had an adverse effect as many housing writers have pointed out .
27 We may accept that male cooperation was needed for fertility to fall , while at the same time arguing that the opinions of wives may also have had an important effect on husbands .
28 Astute readers might also have found a small note , placed in the magazine 's gossip column , referring to the front page story and reminding readers that it was 1 April — placed there by Birbeck as a precautionary measure .
29 It should also have discussed the possible defence of necessity , referring to it expressly by that name , not vaguely as the last two sentences of the answer do .
30 Such a fort would also have supervised the native population centre on Credenhill , which is one of the largest sites in the area , with univallate defences enclosing c. 20 ha ( 50 acres ) .
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