Example sentences of "also been [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had also been exploited by the re-election campaign team of President Bush , which had sought to portray the Democrat majority in Congress as responsible for sabotaging the Republican administration 's domestic policy initiatives .
2 The firm had also been asked by the Bank to make a s 41 report and was trying to finalise the 1990 accounts , which had been delayed by the lack of access to ICIC .
3 A detective chief superintendent has also been assigned to the investigation .
4 They had also been robbed around the Chinchero ‘ bus stop ’ .
5 It has also been hit by the lack of new products to draw shoppers into its stores and the failure of satellite TV to take off as hoped .
6 Book Tokens ' income had also been hit by the reduction in interest rates .
7 Charlie did not know , at that time that I had also been hit in the chest and that my right lung had been punctured and had collapsed ’ .
8 In another sense the domination of the Labour Party had also been achieved at the expense of other claimants to the leadership of the socialist movement and the working class .
9 Acts of Parliament have also been challenged on the ground that they have been improperly passed .
10 He had also been registered as the owner of a number of import-export companies .
11 In a letter Mr Threlfall explained : ‘ The vehicle responded immediately , having been informed that a paramedic vehicle had also been activated from the scene from Newton Aycliffe , that the patient had been removed to a nearby farmhouse and that he was suffering from a suspected broken arm . ’
12 Trade union strength has also been curtailed by the rise in unemployment and the consequent fall in the number of trade unionists .
13 Preliminary work had also been done during the war on the ideas for the social security scheme , and plans had begun to be drafted for a national health service .
14 And the reality of escalating costs had also been blurred by the way in which the nuclear accounts had been publicly presented .
15 Apart from their undoubted strengths in these matters , the Germans have also been motivated by the belief that Germany 's ( and Europe 's ) disunity was an unnatural state which had not existed in the past .
16 This shift factor has also been defined as the ratio of relaxation or retardation times at the temperatures T and T o i.e. and is related to the viscosities .
17 An anonymous notice has also been placed beneath the original at the beginning of the right of way urging people to oppose any plans to re-classify the track , and alerting them to possible future proposals .
18 The second Returner had killed two men , and had also been destroyed in the process before full analysis could commence .
19 Growing congressional concern over the matter had also been demonstrated by the decision of the Senate armed services committee to block promotion for more than 4,500 Navy and Marine Corps officers until information was forthcoming on whether or not they had been involved in the assaults .
20 Revisions have also been made to the prison disciplinary code .
21 ‘ Standby ’ and ‘ Holiday Pay ’ can now be identified much easier , and amendments have also been made to the wage query form .
22 In the course of the MINSE project , comments had also been made to the effect that , although OICs were able to purchase a microcomputer if there were sufficient funds available , little thought had been given to how these might be applied , or to the staff training needs .
23 A number of substantial improvements and additions have also been made to the product , mainly in the area of colour .
24 Much has also been made of the catharsis for the ‘ community ’ of the exodus .
25 Most of this work has been done using a standard binocular light microscope with variable ×8 to ×40 magnification , but extensive use has also been made of the scanning electron microscope .
26 Two custom-built stairways have also been made for the rear of the seat scaffolding to allow access for the 546 people who will see the performance .
27 Contact has also been made with the Home Affairs Select Committee which has taken on new responsibilities of interest to the Bar , including legal aid .
28 Attempts have also been made in the past to limit rather than protect the numbers of offers for particular combinations ( e.g. English literature and history of art ) to maintain a good spread of students .
29 No doubt considerable generalisations have also been made by the French but the division into more zones ( each with different financial incentives ) gives one a greater sense of confidence that care has gone into linking agricultural supports to real variations in handicap .
30 Two scat collections have also been made from the coyote in the Bighorn Basin , Wyoming , USA .
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