Example sentences of "also been [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Considerable opposition to one-party rule had also been registered by the churches , the trade union movement and students , as well as by the opposition parties .
2 These influences have also been likened to the forces effected by a millenarian journey to a new faith ( Jacobi 1967 ) , for they are compelled by an integration of the ego and the unconscious into a vision which demands more from society than the ‘ acceptable satisfactions ’ .
3 Because it has also been underplayed in the interests of religious apologetics , a degree of critical detachment is required .
4 Other sources claimed that 10 members of the ruling Ba'ath party had also been killed by the demonstrators .
5 Claims have also been made by the inhabitants of protected territories in domestic courts .
6 The faint-object camera has also been looking at the remnants of the supernova which excited astronomers in 1987 .
7 Herr Kohl 's coalition has also been punished at the polls .
8 Fish deaths resulting from acid surges have also been observed on the rivers Esk and Duddon in Cumbria , and Glaslyn in Snowdonia .
9 More thought has also been given to the products on offer .
10 The future of the Cossacks had also been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had appealed to SHAEF to take them over .
11 They have also been attacked by the courts , with the result that it is difficult to see what practical effect such clauses might be thought to have .
12 Fines for water polluters , up to £100,000 or two year prison sentences , have also been included in the recommendations .
13 Criticism has also been levelled at the inadequacies of the legislative programme .
14 A certain subgroup called a 2 -adrenergic receptors are found in brain tissue and have also been identified on the membranes of platelets .
15 Outings to Ayresome Park and the Beamish Museum have also been organised for the visitors , who were welcomed at St Edward 's yesterday by Middlesbrough Mayor Eddie Bolland .
16 Barton , 23 , an England B international who has also been linked with the Gunners , is a versatile player who has won rave notices since joining the Dons from Maidstone two years ago .
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