Example sentences of "also be [verb] by [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 IP 3 R sensitivity can also be enhanced by specific thiol reagents , such as oxidized glutathione or thimerosal , which probably explains how these agents induce calcium spiking in intact hepatocytes , mammalian eggs and HeLa cells .
2 PALplus will enable broadcasters to transmit improved quality pictures for wide-screen TVs , in a format which can also be received by standard PAL sets , and viewed with CinemaScope black bands at the top and bottom of the screen .
3 Researchers will also be influenced by current debates in the academic world .
4 Decisions may also be influenced by favourable trends in short-term prices .
5 These decisions may well also be affected by geographical mobility both for employment and retirement .
6 The pluralist description of the social order with its myriad political institutions , groups , and actors all competing , albeit unequally , for power treats the media as a set of institutions which may act independently in society but which may also be deployed by powerful groups .
7 They may also be duplicated by physical models , are not destroyed by bleaching and all the component wavelengths of the incident light are to be found in either the reflected , scattered or transmitted fractions .
8 They may also be shaped by personal reaction to the passage of events .
9 Notice must also be given by public advertisement ( r 6.79(5) ) .
10 A reduction of HDL levels may also be caused by hypolipidaemic therapy , in particular probucol , and β-blocking drug therapy used in the treatment of hypertension ( Dodson , 1982a ) .
11 Food preferences during pregnancy may also be caused by hormonal influences on the sense of taste .
12 Bass could also be reinforced by careful choice of recording horn , which added low-pitched resonances of its own .
13 Some dithiadiazolium salts are capable of disproportionating ( equation d ) , and dithiadiazoles can also be prepared by chemical reduction of the cation .
14 The same tube may also , of course , be extended without pressurization to give Young 's modulus simply : it may also be twisted by terminal couples to give an independent measure of the compliance J(t) .
15 They can also be damaged by large bristleworms , and some molluscs , particularly nudibranchs , view them as a good meal .
16 However , in contrast to the spread of classical gene mutations by selection and drift , Dover points out that some mutations can also be spread by internal mechanisms of ‘ turnover ’ in DNA .
17 ( 5.32 ) indicates that the variation of inductance with rotor position ( L ) should be small compared to the average phase inductance ( t , ) The speed range can also be improved by careful selection of the excitation scheme , so as to minimise the ratio v/v — For a three-phase motor the voltage component ratio for each excitation scheme is shown in Table 5.3 : By operating the motor with one-phase-on excitation the speed range is considerably improved compared to two-phases-on operation , for which the value of is doubled .
18 A new channel , Channel 5 , will also be allocated by competitive tender reaching about 70 per cent of the UK .
19 A brain abscess in the right hemisphere could also be accompanied by diffuse damage to the left : that is , the aphasia in these children might not be related to damage to the right-hand side of the brain .
20 Plant detritus if available is sufficient , but if necessary it can also be nourished by liquid fertiliser .
21 Reproduction can also be accomplished by asexual subdivision of polyps , each polyp dividing to form two .
22 This has been a relatively frequent event in Iceland and it can lead to the rapid melting of large volumes of ice and the release of enormous quantities of water , creating a cataclysmic flood known as a jokulhlaup ( although such floods can also be produced by other means ( see Section 11.4.1 ) ) .
23 ( They may also be implied by public policy or statute . )
24 The airstrip , which will also be occupied by Canadian forces , will become one of the major staging areas for food deliveries .
25 But prices will also be driven by other cost increases that are less easily quantified and controlled .
26 The state of the pate can also be transformed by faked emotion .
27 Brown & Levinson point out the importance for social relationships of establishing common ground and agreeing on points of view , and illustrate the lengths to which speakers in different cultures will go to maintain an appearance of agreement , and they remark ‘ agreement may also be stressed by repeating part or all of what the preceding speaker has said ’ ( 1978:117 )
28 As well as being induced by developmental control processes , apoptosis can also be induced by toxic insults , and , in particular , by agents that damage DNA .
29 Long-lasting potentiation can also be induced by transient exposure of hippocampal synapses to a variety of chemical agents , including Ca 2+166 , arachidonic acid , the metabotropic glutamate receptor ( mGluR ) agonist aminocyclopentane-1S,3R-dicarboxylate ( 1S,3R-ACPD ) , the K + channel blocker , tetraethylammonium ( TEA ) and the G-protein activator NaF/AlCl 3 .
30 General light can also be provided by recessed ceiling lights ( either downlighters , which give a pool of light , or eyeball spotlights , where the beam is adjustable ) , or tracklights attached to the ceiling , fitted with spots , spotlight clusters and flush-fitting ceiling lights .
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