Example sentences of "people who [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They had been built many hundreds of years ago by the people who lived on the moor .
2 That was a mythical representation of Scotland that owed everything to the prejudices of people who lived in the past and knew nothing of the realities of the Scotland that then existed .
3 Most of the other people who lived in the street were professionals , a doctor , two more lawyers , a manager .
4 The clientele going in and out of the place wore all-enveloping robes , but their posture and the expensive cars suggested they were somewhat richer than most of the people who lived in the neighbourhood .
5 The staging of the Democratic convention in New York spurred the city into making a concerted effort to get the homeless people off the streets , and people who lived in the shanty town were evacuated , their homes cleared by bulldozers .
6 There was always complaints coming in from the people who lived in the area about the gangs making a noise on the corner .
7 Erm and as many a as many people I have contact with through either the tenants ' group or through the the Dayroom , which was erm set up in the probation office , but was for people who lived in the area , not necessarily for
8 There was also a variety of other people who lived in the house , for shorter or longer periods .
9 But the thousands of people who trudged to the polling stations to cast their vote for this party must have known what the terror tailpiece to the democratic process would have been .
10 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
11 If people are gon na sit around the house while they 're unemployed , they 're probably the same people who sit around the house when they 're on a Saturday and Sunday when they 're working you know .
12 I 'm , I 'm certainly as I was going to come on to explain and the way you will see ourselves working , is not people who sit in the Town Hall and just turn out reports , I mean the kind of work we do and the way we work means that were actually very much involved in the community groups , but I mean if it was , if it was thought to be an issue that we needed to have greater community involvement , i.e. to resurrecting that forum then that 's something that , you know , we may need to address , but I never saw it as operating like that anyway , I mean I saw it as it 's almost like in a cabinet of members mainly . .
13 In many cases students will also tour in productions mounted by the school , and this gives good audience experience away from the greenhouse of school performances , where the people who sit in the audience are usually either professionally interested , or are fellow students and friends .
14 He made a point of checking up on people who got in the way of the Path of Joseph .
15 Er , this particular disease , Alzheimer 's disease was identified by Jim , who was the deputy mayor , a member of ours , who spoke to you earlier in the week , as one of the hidden diseases in our society , where more help should be given not just from the people who suffer from the disease , but from their , for their families who have to support them .
16 Eusebius , the ‘ father of church history ’ and biographer of the first Christian emperor , commented in his Life of Constantine on the ‘ hypocrisy of people who crept into the church ’ with an eye to the emperor 's favour .
17 ‘ Apart from a few people at the Kremlin and at Number Ten , you and I are the only people who know of the situation . ’
18 Not only does the promotion system mean that people who rise to the top are likely to have just those personal characteristics it takes to commit corporate crime , but these are also reinforced by the psychological consequences of success itself , for these too free a person from the moral bind of conventional values .
19 This is the point erm , well Plato made the point that the people we most want to rule us are probably the ones that are the least likely to want to take on that duty and Ben Williams made the same point the other way round that the people who rise to the top in politics are likely to be the ones that we would least like to have governing us .
20 Experience at the Birmingham Money Advice Centre ( see Appendix III ) shows that — at least for the generally poor people who go to the Centre with money problems — mail order , check traders and other weekly callers such as tallymen are woven so closely into the fabric of daily ( or rather weekly ) life as to be more than just a possible buying choice .
21 Here one could instance people who go to the theatre as opposed to theatre administrators , people who read books rather than people in publishing , selling or lending .
22 Sample surveys had shown that most people who go to the theatre tend to be middle-class and well-educated , but since so few people altogether actually go to the serious theatre there must be many middle-class , well-educated people who are not theatre-goers .
23 are you one of those people who go to the house of erm if a member of the family 's dead ?
24 The carelessness of the creators ( for not noticing the mess their employees were making ) and of the people who looked after the food meant animals , plants and insects were accidentally given Herakleophorbia so they grew .
25 You bring lots of people in at junior management and through a series of apprenticeships you cream off the people who get to the top .
26 Many of the films were silent , but the people who went to the evening performances could enjoy a musical accompaniment played on the piano by the local music teacher , who was blind .
27 Several people who came into the area
28 The paper went on the say that such a move would at least give the people who came into the city centre greater reassurance , even if they had to pay for the privilege .
29 People who came to the Turk 's Head really had to know what they were looking for .
30 But can you see the people who came to the stepping stones and could n't go across and had to go back the way they 'd already come would n't go back with a very their ego would n't have b been boosted very high .
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