Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each of these cases merits a separate welfare analysis .
2 Each of these artists enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive .
3 As everywhere else in the world , changing these attitudes requires a long campaign of education .
4 ‘ it is difficult to see how these ( organisation ) problems can be solved efficiently without restoring responsible autonomy to primary groups throughout the system and ensuring that each of these groups has a satisfying sub-whole as its work task , and some scope for flexibility in work-pace .
5 Each of these activities offers a newsworthy vehicle for furthering your objectives vis-a-vis your various target audiences .
6 All these shapes posses a hierarchical structure extending to infinitely small scales .
7 Because the interdependence of these parties forms a complex pattern which can not be reduced to exchange relations alone , breakdowns of trust and reliance can jeopardize the existence of the entire retail operation .
8 On the one hand it is evident that the old order is collapsing of its own accord , so any attempt to subvert it would be pointless ; and on the other , none of these authors portrays a main character secure enough in his own moral beliefs to propose them as a new global framework .
9 It is said that each of these elements has a symbolic meaning .
10 The difference in strength of the bonds in these elements has a practical use : silicon wafers , used in integrated circuits , are sliced from large ingots of silicon using diamond-tipped saws .
11 Quantification of these effects presents a major challenge for the future .
12 But the pathway to discovery was established and the scale on which resources were expended to make these discoveries represents a fantastic extravagance when it is compared with the few thousands of pounds available to Florey and his colleagues , and even with the subsequent development of the original penicillins in the United States .
13 Apart from an air in E♭ major exclaiming against the tyranny of love in Les caprices de l'Amour ( book 3 ) a ‘ horrible , frightful ’ key for Charpentier , and passed over altogether by the other theorists including Rameau the choice of keys in these collections bears a close family likeness to those of book 1 .
14 Every one of these ideas occupies a commonplace status within the fiercely divided community of Israel itself .
15 I would argue that the persuasive force of these statements owes a great deal to their teleological format .
16 It will be part of my argument to suggest that behind these actions lies a unifying attitude of mind , a political position , which is primarily concerned to protect and conserve certain values and institutions .
17 The declaration of intent which precedes these vows implies a similar level of commitment and flexibility .
18 Each of these situations requires a different set of oral skills , a variety of language use and different ways of speaking .
19 The results of this study show that : ( 1 ) excessive faecal bile acid losses in cystic fibrosis occurs almost exclusively in patients without liver disease of whom almost 50% have reduced retention of SeHCAT consistent with the presence of a terminal ileal bile acid active transport defect ; ( 2 ) faecal bile acid loss is unrelated to the presence of intraluminal fat ; and ( 3 ) bacterial overgrowth in these patients plays a minor part in excessive faecal bile acid excretion .
20 The combination of these features emphasises a large problem for speech recognition — the same word may be spoken in many different ways and never match exactly what the system was trained with .
21 One or more of these processes forms a long conducting fibre or axon ( Narahashi , 1963 ) ending in a group of fine , branching fibrils ; the number of axons enables the neuron to be classified as uni- , bi- or multipolar .
22 The documentation for these programs provides a fascinating history of the subject .
23 The documentation for these programs provides a fascinating history of the subject .
24 On the other hand , we might have backed research aimed at understanding why some materials are insulators and why for example , adding small quantities of certain impurities to these materials has a dramatic effect on their conductivity .
25 And from the fields and villages of England , where work has slowed to a trickle and where the landlords have enclosed the common lands ( after 1802 ) SO that even subsistence living is difficult , from these fields comes a mighty army of labour .
26 Then I shall examine some criticisms of the monist position from a pluralist point of view , trying at the same time to bring out the presuppositions that underly such criticisms and showing that a clarification of these presuppositions demands a critical exploration of certain new philosophical topics that have not been touched on hitherto .
27 It is a short step from this view to the position that there are several Third ( and First ) Worlds and that each of these Worlds has a specific set of relations with global capitalism , or even that there is no such thing as global capitalism but that there are several capitalisms operating nationally and internationally in different ways with different Third Worlds .
28 Each of these cartridges has a different item on it .
29 At present , though , there is little evidence that either of these pathways plays a significant role in LTP .
30 Extending this principle a little further , each one of these types expects a certain reaction from their chosen victim — perhaps terror , disgust , humiliation or just stunned silence .
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