Example sentences of "these [noun] [prep] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , this , this kind of thing happens to people who 've been in traumatic situations , like erm er prisoner of war camps , severe accidents and stuff like that , and Freud himself of course saw quite a lot of these cases after the First World War .
2 Finally , consider just why you are using all these fonts in the first place — perhaps you should re-think your design and limit the numbers to something more sensible .
3 The micro , which is itself able to display rich patterns of behaviour , perhaps presents us with these opportunities for the first time .
4 You may like to think quietly for a few moments , then read these words from the first letter of John .
5 The major constraints which tenure conditions impose upon conservation programmes that discourage private initiatives to invest in conservation practices are short leases which tempt the tenant to remove as much plant material and nutrients as possible from the soil within the period of tenancy ; insecurity of tenants in longer leases ; uncertainty of compensation to tenants by landlords for conservation works at the end of the lease ; and a lack of an accepted means by which landlord and tenant can share these outlays in the first place ( Barlowe 1958 ) .
6 Indeed , the publisher seems to have recognised these shortcomings of the first issue , and claims that the brief of the journal is being broadened .
7 In these texts for the first time we find ‘ precatory ’ being used to describe the essential nature of trusts , and as the key to discovering what legal institution is involved .
8 Wordsworth did not comment much on these matters in the first edition of his Guide but they are clearly set out in the second edition ( 1820 ) .
9 What a pleasure it is to hear some of these pieces for the first time in clear digital sound !
10 I should perhaps add that I was not a member of the committee who heard these appeals in the first hearing since I became involved only when your Lordships who sat in the first hearing suggested a second hearing under my chairmanship and accordingly I have not been asked to consider this matter apart from the discussion of the extracts from Hansard which have been put before us in this appeal .
11 The late Raymond Lewenthal is perhaps best known these days as the first performer in modern times to have revived the music of Alkan , a collection of whose music he also published two years after he made these Gershwin recordings ( in Walthamstow Town Hall , of all places ) .
12 We hope this will be of value to both feminists and philosophers approaching these questions for the first time .
13 If at all possible , answer these questions in the first sentence of the release or at least in the first paragraph .
14 How did you find out about these firms in the first place ?
15 This policy is currently in question because of the high incidence of cross addiction to these substances but there is still a long way to go before Treatment Centres generally recommend abstinence from all these substances from the first day of recovery .
16 But it is no longer these stars of the first magnitude that hold his fancy .
17 Anyone using the double-paddle of these canoes for the first time finds his ( or her ) chest expanded in a strain on shoulder muscles he never knew were there until he started canoeing .
18 It codified these standards for the first time , the technical details of which were the main subject of the Oct. 24 compromise .
19 It might then be a good time to look at the original sources of stress which created these symptoms in the first place .
20 No doubt human settlers , moving into these forests for the first time , were delighted and surprised to find such fertile meadows in the heart of the dense forest and built their homes beside them .
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