Example sentences of "also [vb infin] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is every reason to believe that nerve fibres can also transmit messages from cell to cell with different codes .
2 A licensing board may make regulations with respect to the making of applications for licences ( including occasional licences and occasional permissions ) , extension of permitted hours and restriction of the terminal permitted hours and the procedure following thereon , and such regulations may include provisions designed to assist the board in determining the fitness of applicants to hold licences and the expediency of granting licences for the premises in respect of which application is made ; and the board may also make regulations with respect to the procedure to be followed in transferring licences under this Act and with respect to any matters which , by virtue of this Act , may be prescribed .
3 He may also fall prey to complacency in that , having added his bottle of Preparation W , he then fails to notice ailment Z which requires a quite different treatment .
4 They will also abolish A-levels in favour of new types of certificate — in theory broader , but inevitably of lower standard , thus undermining the one area of our school system where academic excellence has been allowed to flourish .
5 Tate & Lyle will also clash heads with Nutrasweet in the fat substitute sector .
6 At the same time , the hotel staff could also provide services on behalf of the maintenance company .
7 For example , Revill states that ‘ there is a great need for proper evaluation of the various teaching methods adopted in the library ’ , and Lubans has pointed out , in 1972 , that ‘ the results of evaluation not only present possible alternatives for better programmes but should also provide standards of performance for such instruction ’ .
8 It can also provide measures of confidence in its classification , which a conventional perceptron can not .
9 The two causes were closely linked from the 1840s and it is not surprising that when Cassell visited New York in 1853 as a delegate to a World Temperance Convention he would also use Beecher at work in Ohio .
10 The completion of this work would increase the convenience of searching the General Catalogue for researchers and save them valuable time , and it would also create savings in time for Library staff .
11 To recapitulate , it is clear that differences in national legislation may not only have the effect of preventing a good or service produced in one state being sold in another , but may also distort conditions of competition between manufacturers or suppliers located in different Member States of the Community .
12 You could also hear music at home on a wind-up gramophone with ten- or twelve-inch 78 r.p.m. bakelite records .
13 As a safety-valve mechanism as well as in the effort to use the peripheral labour resources productively , liberal economists such as Vera Lutz have recommended the encouragement of emigration to areas of labour-scarcity , but this may also produce problems of integration in the long term .
14 This claim will be against Newco rather than the vendor , and the employees may also have claims for compensation for loss of office , taxable ( subject to the £30,000 exemption ) within the regime in ss148 and 188 .
15 You can also get cash from Bank of Scotland , Barclays and Lloyds Bank machines and even from bank machines in Spain and Portugal .
16 By comparing the film Apocalypse Now ( 1978 ) with the story on which it is based — Joseph Conrad 's " Heart of Darkness " ( 1902 ) — you might gain ideas about differences between film and writing as media , or differences between an early twentieth-century text and a late twentieth-century text ; you might also get ideas about narrative by comparing how the two narratives are the same and how they differ .
17 Insects can also lose heat by evaporation from their spiracles , but this may lead to desiccation .
18 The two say they will also investigate areas of co-operation on future-generation storage products .
19 This would also open doors to coverage in non-Olympic years , the ones which are currently closed to us .
20 In consequence , Christianity could also find lines of convergence with Mithraism — the more so as Mithraism stressed the immortality of the soul , a future judgement and the resurrection of the dead .
21 But the brilliant Botha can also turn defence into attack with one raking right-foot kick to touch .
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