Example sentences of "also [vb past] [prep] a [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the Guild also asked for a comprehensive home-help service so that women would not worry about the welfare of younger children and husbands , but this was not forthcoming .
2 Cocoa prices in 1989 also tumbled to a 14-year low owing to the sixth consecutive year of oversupply on the world market ( estimated at between 100,000-154,000 tonnes for 1989-90 ) ; failure to agree on the minimum price to be defended and continuing problems stemming from unpaid producer levies , estimated in 1989 to be well over $100,000 million .
3 The law also provided for a 24 nautical mile " adjacent area " in which the Taiwan government could take precautions against any intrusion .
4 The legislation also provided for a maximum personal income tax rate of 47 per cent and for corporation tax of 45 per cent .
5 It also allowed for a renewable one-year freeze on challenges by the courts to six ordinances related to the maintenance of law and order .
6 His renunciation also rested upon a dubious legal sentence of 1202 , a punitive measure against King John by Philip Augustus .
7 A few months after my return Goreng found a use for the less obviously subtle or versatile of his captives , which while turning them to material advantage also catered for a certain desired degree of planned redundancy .
8 I also heard of a former Scottish internationalist who felt obliged to leave the ground 15 minutes before the end concerned that he might otherwise lose his temper and respond to provocation .
9 The other two teams were line managed by their local Area Directors , but also worked through a Senior Professional Officer for some purposes .
10 Fine Gael also called for a full public inquiry before exploration began .
11 Support also grew for a new political movement , the environmentalists or Greens .
12 Together with some dinosaurs , perhaps , and with birds , which also emerged from a different reptilian stock at this time , they developed the capacity for regulating their own body temperature .
13 The computer industry also conformed to a common American pattern of running into anti-trust difficulties — following IBM 's overwhelmingly successful System/360 offerings of the early 1960S .
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