Example sentences of "also [vb past] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alan Exley of Grainger Park also laid on a great display , his coolness , footwork and left jab dominating his middleweight semi-final against Sunderland 's Steve Bellfield .
2 Crawford 's performance also met with a mixed reception .
3 Pearce also met with a considerable degree of resistance from within British Aerospace in his efforts to steer it through privatisation .
4 Mosley also lived in a private world where there was leisure and a sense of fun .
5 Jean Bevan , the second of these two , had a middle-class previous occupation nursing — but also lived in a working-class area .
6 Steel , also designated as a key recovery sector immediately after the war , was a key input into major export industries such as ships ( and in turn the development of huge ore-carrying ships allowed the Japanese steel industry to overcome a major disadvantage in transport costs for materials ) .
7 The conference also agreed to a new co-operation arrangement on fisheries surveillance allowing patrol boats to arrest illegal fishermen in the territorial waters of another member state .
8 They also agreed to a near doubling of aid to the Third World , but failed to reach a common position on the period of time over which the increase would be phased in .
9 Finance Ministers also agreed to a US-sponsored move to provide large-scale debt relief to Egypt and Poland .
10 He also asked for a similar offence to be taken into consideration .
11 The hon. Lady also asked about a public inquiry .
12 It also led to a fundamental questioning of the whole basis of the Keynesian model of which , since 1958 , the Phillips curve had come to be regarded as an indispensable part .
13 It also led to a marked inflation of the number of high-ranking officers .
14 The Bantu press newspaper group was a similar venture : part-owned by the Argus Group , it also tried in a paternalistic way to guide Africans in an approved direction .
15 The ‘ offensive ’ article in the London Evening Standard also referred to a nude poster wrongly said to adorn her office wall , the High Court heard .
16 It also referred to a local resident objecting to the scheme .
17 He also presided over a Legislative Council which included a non-official minority .
18 They also contributed to a growing consciousness of the value of collectivism and of alliances among sections of the lesbian and gay trade movement .
19 While ‘ planning ’ in these various guises seemed to find its moment in the Second World War , it also drew upon a long evolution of social and political thought which stretched back to before the Great War .
20 The computerized drumbeats were overlaid with real instruments — all , incidentally , played by Omar , a regular soul renaissance man also blessed with a singular singing voice .
21 The religious divisions also hardened to a considerable extent into national ones ; Catholicism not only held firm in southern Europe but extended itself northward , Lutheranism failed to root itself outside the Teutonic lands , while Calvinism spread in a long thin arc from Scotland , through France and the Netherlands to Poland and Hungary .
22 I also came upon a mysterious animal I had not seen before : much larger than the herring , redder and infinitely more expensive .
23 A monthgoing longcase clock of about 1710 by Daniel Delander also profited from a good footnote , selling for £104,500 ( estimate £45,000-£55,000 ) although the case which was originally ebonised is now painted blue .
24 The companies also profited from a bizarre system whereby shipbuilders who exported were given import quotas for raw sugar , which could be sold at a hefty profit .
25 In 1989 it was revealed that he had engaged in a homosexual relationship with Steven Gobie , whom he also hired as a personal aide and driver in 1985 .
26 The doctor also told of a four-hour meeting with a group of Irish throwers , who asked his advice on how to improve the efficiency of their drug programme .
27 He also suffered from a morbid fear of castration which lingered with him throughout his life ; possessed of plenty , as he saw it , he realized how much he had to lose .
28 Cave was older than the rest of the party , and the only one with knowledge of Iran ; he also suffered from a bad back , and must have landed with a fierce combination of jet-lag , suspicion and pain .
29 First , a significant element of research is not only funded by the government , or quasi-governmental agencies , but also organized on a customer-contract basis .
30 Edo itself also acted as a major centre of commercial activity .
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