Example sentences of "also [verb] for [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Morgenthau 's approach was also criticized for ignoring the domestic environment of states , for failing to specify whether human nature was the determining or merely one potential cause of political action , and for being unable to account for mistakes ( if human nature is based on objective laws , then how can individuals make mistakes ? ) .
2 Delinquent White youths were described as ‘ uncivilised ’ ; ‘ barbarians ’ who adopted unattractive clothing , listened to American-influenced music and ‘ savagely ’ attacked innocent victims ; they were also blamed for initiating a steady decline in sexual mores .
3 At one time , the water mains and service pipes were made from galvanised iron or lead and were also used for providing an electrical earth connection to the house .
4 Edinburgh is also noted for having the oldest student medical society in the United Kingdom , the Royal Medical Society .
5 Plausible schemes also exist for producing the other constituents of the cloud particles .
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