Example sentences of "also [verb] it [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You can breathe it in through the lungs you can swallow it through the mouth , you can inject it through the skin and you can also absorb it through the skin .
2 It is even sophisticated enough to perform spot and process colour separations to a PostScript printer — a feature that also separates it from the majority of budget drawing packages .
3 They also develop it through the process of living , itself .
4 I have also included it with the map of Boo¨tes , since it so obviously belongs to the Boo¨tes pattern .
5 We found that ministers had solemnly undertaken not only to repair The Grange , but also to open it to the public .
6 I have also used it under the skin of a loin of pork and stuffed it into tunnels made with a sharpening steel through legs of lamb .
7 On Sunday nights at home we listen to Dan Dare on Radio Luxemburg and that week 's episode is replayed and embellished , with Ann and her brother , who also read it in the Eagle .
8 It was a thoroughly tested number as Tiller had not only shown it at the Palace but his La Scala Girls had also performed it at the Winter Gardens Pavilion , Blackpool , the previous year .
9 She also cuts it with the kitchen scissors !
10 Another housemaster in describing what he would ideally like to do also set it in the context of his sense of powerlessness .
11 He 'd also rigged it into the security systems as a precaution and was thus already rigid with dread when Roirbak communicated with him .
12 The Conservative Party 's new chairman , Chris Patten , has told Marxism Today of his interest in the German idea of a ‘ social market ’ , which believes it is possible to unleash capitalism 's efficiency but also to keep it under the supervising eye of society : to combine the engine of individualism and a communal conscience .
13 In 1720 Boerhaave produced an impressive catalogue of plants in the Leyden Garden , Index alter Plantarum ( 2 vols ) , and under Protea in the Dictionary Miller refers to this work ( he also included it in the bibliography ) .
14 It will also record it on the customer receipt , together with the date , the name of the shop , the value of each item purchased and the total amount paid .
15 The reporter was ungentlemanly enough not only to do the calculation and obtain the correct answer but also to print it in the society column .
16 I also had it in the World War .
17 but you also need it on the accelerator as well
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