Example sentences of "also [verb] a good [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 At £1,115 , it also offers a good combination of price and performance .
2 He also devoted a good deal of his investigations to the extraordinary satin bower-bird , a native of the area and so called for its remarkable habit of building and decorating a sort of stage-set , in which it would perform ritual mating dances .
3 You will also need a good selection of cloths for cleaning the pictures — pieces of linen work well , as do old T-shirts .
4 Balance chairs have also attracted a good deal of interest .
5 Castes also provide a good example of the process described by Weber as ‘ social closure ’ .
6 She also has a good sense of humour .
7 Sainsbury 's also has a good selection of halves at £3.49 .
8 Mix half a packet of parsley and thyme stuffing as directed , but also adding a good squeeze of lemon juice from a plastic lemon and an extra sprinkling of dried thyme .
9 The Methodist Hymns and Psalms ( Methodist Publishing House , 1983 ) also includes a good number of psalms , pointed for Anglican chant , and a few metrical psalms are included in the body of the book .
10 In nineteenth-century Queensland it was claimed that Devons produced as much beef per acre as Herefords or Shorthorns and also produced a good proportion of lean meat to fat when crossed with the Shorthorn .
11 There were two other collections in this 1,000 lot sale , which also included a good selection of Marine , Motoring and Railway items .
12 The class teacher will also gain a good deal of useful information by observing how the visually handicapped pupils handle and attempt to use visual material .
13 A delicatessen will usually also have a good selection of nuts — Brazils , pecans , pistachios , walnuts and cashews — all of which are invaluable in a vegetarian diet .
14 This also gives a good chance of having both sexes present .
15 However , this collection also gives a good impression of the effective presence of the fabliau in the Anglo-Norman literary corpus and its context .
16 In the same year as Jacobson published his experiments , a ‘ failure to replicate , report signed by twenty-three authors appeared in the major journal , Science , and the matter might have rested there but for the fact that it was noticed that the method which Jacobson had used to extract RNA from his rat brains also liberated a good deal of protein and other contaminants .
17 The wives of prosperous burgesses also had a good deal of managerial responsibility and authority .
18 Central 's cameras have also captured a good deal of real-life drama thanks to the Cook Report .
19 The care programme , funded through Urban Aid and run in our Glenwood Campus , also required a good deal of planning .
20 Well I agree with you Nigel erm we also have a good set of backs we feel erm unfortunately the weather at the moment — it 's pouring outside , and hopefully tomorrow it 'll be dry .
21 We also have a good explanation of why children continue to smoke : cigarettes are highly addictive .
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