Example sentences of "also [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She is also demanding compensation for breach of trust .
2 Earlier this year , The Sunday Telegraph reported scientists also fear damage to life in the oceans .
3 He also sought advice on drill from a Capt. Bradshaw , " to improve the bearing and physical condition of the boys " , and soon fifty pupils had joined the School Cricket Club , practising regularly on Stockport Cricket Club 's ground .
4 Later , he also became Minister of Defence of the republic ( renamed Russian Federation in January 1992 ) .
5 He may also fall prey to complacency in that , having added his bottle of Preparation W , he then fails to notice ailment Z which requires a quite different treatment .
6 However , at higher concentrations collagen also causes release of ADP from platelet granules and this is independent of the prostaglandin pathway .
7 She also studied badminton as part of physical recreation .
8 The Constitution also granted immunity from prosecution to members of the armed forces , police and prison services for their actions during the 1987 coups and during the period of military government up to the end of 1987 .
9 The structure of the complex also shows evidence for recognition by the repressor of sequence-dependent distortions or flexibility of the phosphodiester backbone , which could mediate sequence specificity where the base pairs themselves are inaccessible .
10 The two causes were closely linked from the 1840s and it is not surprising that when Cassell visited New York in 1853 as a delegate to a World Temperance Convention he would also use Beecher at work in Ohio .
11 The judges ' function is also to do justice in accordance with certain settled principles of law in a free society ; and they are entitled to assume that Parliament does not intend to subvert these principles , unless there is a clear statement that it does .
12 The Act also requires disclosure in connection with the balance sheet of movements in share capital , debentures , fixed assets , reserves , provisions for contingent liabilities , and capital commitments .
13 You could also hear music at home on a wind-up gramophone with ten- or twelve-inch 78 r.p.m. bakelite records .
14 He had also demanded sex in return for passports or other official documents .
15 US-government-funded research has also linked fluoridation of water to an increase in osteosarcoma , a bone cancer .
16 It has also increased land under option from 5,000 to 6,500 plots .
17 Sprint has also announced demonstration of videoconferencing over the Internet sponsored by the National Science Foundation .
18 So when modernity in Berlin — in the arts , in the massive new development of the city — took shape , so to speak , against the state , it also took shape in opposition to the identity of the German Bürgertum .
19 Through his service under the war treasurers back in 1642 , he had also become man of business to Robert Devereux , third Earl of Essex [ q.v. ] , and served conscientiously as an executor of the ex-lord general 's encumbered estate after his death in 1646 .
20 He also voices concern about loss of quality once the bill is put into practice .
21 Weber also saw ownership of wealth as an important criterion for distinguishing classes .
22 You can also get cash from Bank of Scotland , Barclays and Lloyds Bank machines and even from bank machines in Spain and Portugal .
23 Insects can also lose heat by evaporation from their spiracles , but this may lead to desiccation .
24 In addition to doubts about the contracting process , we also take issue with Ham on his singling out of underfunding as the major problem for the future of the NHS .
25 The fact that it also rejects punishment in favour of individualised treatment geared to the particular needs of the offender has meant that , unlike deterrence , it has managed to present itself as a humane , caring alternative to the ‘ primitive revenge ’ of retribution .
26 In contrast to the morning papers , which suffered most heavily from the competition of the nationals , the evenings also had scope for growth in towns where an evening was not already established .
27 The inspectors also said teaching of religion in non-church primary schools was generally poor , and ‘ usually lacked rigour , clear purpose and explicit religious content . ’
28 But the brilliant Botha can also turn defence into attack with one raking right-foot kick to touch .
29 Drug profits have also been affected by provisions in the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 ( Section 24 ) , which makes assisting drug trafficking an offence , and also provides immunity from breach of contract where it is disclosed to the police that funds or investments are derived from drug trafficking .
30 The racket also absorbs shock on impact by way of its Tri-Level Shock Suppression System .
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