Example sentences of "also [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps even more worrying that this kind of advice also turns up in assertiveness training texts and manuals used to train women in business .
2 Not only do Greece , Portugal and Spain rely on northern employment for their ‘ surplus ’ manpower , they also gain considerably from remittance money in balancing at least in part their serious trade deficits .
3 The diseases well known to be part of ARC or AIDS have been mentioned , but other infections or conditions can also behave differently in HIV infection .
4 The appointment also says much about quango politics in Conservative Wales .
5 Castles and houses have also suffered greatly from war-time damage in Germany .
6 However , the geese also fed extensively on grass marsh round Chichester Harbour after 1973/74 , and Campbell ( 1946 ) , during a study of the food of Wigeon and Brent Geese in Britain , recorded animal matter in the stomachs of three Brent from Essex and five from Ulster , out of a total of 28 stomachs examined .
7 And there has been a remarkable interchange of ideas between computational theorists and neuroscientists , in which attempts to create computer models of neural function have not only generated powerful new tools for the interpreting of the brain but have also fed back into computer theory and practice .
8 Because no seismic sources have been detected above sea level in the whole period of observation , we conclude that the fractured region and possibly the intrusion also extend down below sea level .
9 The course will also look back at garden history and explore some of the ways in which budding designers can learn from the great designers of the past .
10 The poll is not analysed , but it is striking that countries where pollution from cars has become a major problem have the highest percentages of people who believe that the state of the environment requires urgent action : 85 per cent in Italy ( at the top of the list ) , where Milan , one of the world 's smoggiest cities , now has car-free days and the capital Rome also suffers severely from vehicle congestion and pollution ; 84 per cent in Greece , where restrictions on cars in Athens are imposed to save the citizens ' lungs and their ancient monuments ; 80 per cent in the most vehicle emission-conscious country in Europe , West Germany , whose dead trees have become the symbol of pollution .
11 ICI in Britain also experimented widely with job enrichment in the 1970s .
12 Following the War , Staveley also branched out into sailing administration .
13 It has also linked up with Card Solution of offer a product for the road haulage industry called ‘ Cablink ’ .
14 Over at Thorsbury , the summer had also gone well for Stephen Lassiter .
15 Labour 's defeat led Neil Kinnock on April 13 to announce that he would resign as party leader as soon as practicable ; Roy Hattersley would also stand down as deputy leader .
16 Occasional rain/drizzle was also forecast along with hill fog patches .
17 The tasks shown above presented in multiple choice format were also tried out in supply format , with success rates of 67 per cent , 24 per cent and $3 per cent respectively .
18 This research influences the way volunteers work with victims but it is also passed on by Victim Support to other organisations that might find it useful : it provides an input into every police training course in Britain , and that has led to a potential new area of work .
19 Hydrocarbons also contribute both to acid rain and to ozone formation .
20 He has , however , also latched on to granny elephant 's words of approval to Mrs Large : ‘ You look like a film star . ’
21 She is also working again at Pitlochry Festival theatre in the coming season .
22 The situation has also improved greatly in South East Asia , but to a much lesser degree in South Asia .
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