Example sentences of "also [verb] [noun] of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had also received letters of commendation from the chief constable of Central Scotland Police , and from the assistant chief constable of the British Transport Police in Scotland .
2 Why should Bank of England intervention to influence rates of interest in the discount market also influence rates of interest in the parallel markets ?
3 Later , he also became Minister of Defence of the republic ( renamed Russian Federation in January 1992 ) .
4 As well as leaving potatoes , the ethologists had also scattered grains of wheat on the beach .
5 However , at higher concentrations collagen also causes release of ADP from platelet granules and this is independent of the prostaglandin pathway .
6 In addition , these authorities license airports to ensure that they comply with their national interpretation of ICAO standards , and they also issue certificates of airworthiness for types of aircraft and in respect of each individual aircraft on their register , besides monitoring aircraft design and manufacturing standards .
7 The April aid package was principally for agricultural development , plus food and humanitarian aid , while in June the USA also promised deliveries of cotton as a raw material for Albania 's textile industry , and technical assistance in the development of its financial sector .
8 The discharge process from distant hospitals also increases problems of liaison with rehabilitative and community services .
9 For example , Revill states that ‘ there is a great need for proper evaluation of the various teaching methods adopted in the library ’ , and Lubans has pointed out , in 1972 , that ‘ the results of evaluation not only present possible alternatives for better programmes but should also provide standards of performance for such instruction ’ .
10 It can also provide measures of confidence in its classification , which a conventional perceptron can not .
11 Nevertheless it would be dangerous to assign laws to Asclepiodatus simply on the basis of his probable knowledge : the praeceptio of Chlothar II also shows signs of influence from Roman and Burgundian Law .
12 Trompf also cites examples of reenactment in Hebrew historiography , such as the crossing of the Jordan in Joshua , which was consciously likened to the traversing of the Red Sea in Exodus , and the similarity of the Babylonian exile to the earlier Egyptian bondage .
13 The [ draft ] FRS also requires appropriations of profit to be shown in the profit and loss account equivalent to the value of shares issued in respect of scrip dividends .
14 To recapitulate , it is clear that differences in national legislation may not only have the effect of preventing a good or service produced in one state being sold in another , but may also distort conditions of competition between manufacturers or suppliers located in different Member States of the Community .
15 US-government-funded research has also linked fluoridation of water to an increase in osteosarcoma , a bone cancer .
16 And Bell also brought tubs of emotion to Erasure — the longing of the astonishing ‘ Oh L'Amour ’ , the raging of ‘ Respect ’ , the sheer Swedishness of ‘ Take A Chance On Me ’ .
17 As a safety-valve mechanism as well as in the effort to use the peripheral labour resources productively , liberal economists such as Vera Lutz have recommended the encouragement of emigration to areas of labour-scarcity , but this may also produce problems of integration in the long term .
18 Here critical theory has also found elements of positivism in the ‘ social realism ’ of orthodox Marxist culture analysts such as Lukács .
19 Sprint has also announced demonstration of videoconferencing over the Internet sponsored by the National Science Foundation .
20 Through his service under the war treasurers back in 1642 , he had also become man of business to Robert Devereux , third Earl of Essex [ q.v. ] , and served conscientiously as an executor of the ex-lord general 's encumbered estate after his death in 1646 .
21 These obviously have considerable clinical value for localizing and identifying areas of brain abnormality , but they also enable areas of activity in the normally functioning brain to be pictured .
22 It also precipitated changes of plan regarding the book 's scope .
23 Weber also saw ownership of wealth as an important criterion for distinguishing classes .
24 How many Welsh coaches , for example , see their role as not only achieving success for their clubs but also furnishing players of quality for the new multiplicity of Welsh squads ?
25 Just a willingness to be available for a few hours to suit you — within an agreed rota — to walk around the reserve helping people enjoy their visit and also avoiding problems of pressure on sensitive reserve areas . ’
26 The two say they will also investigate areas of co-operation on future-generation storage products .
27 The letter also specified details of non-observance of the Scottish Office guidelines .
28 Garcete also faced charges of involvement in the Sept. 29 attempt on the life of Hermes Saquier , a leading member of the main opposition Authentic Radical Liberal Party ( PLRA ) , and was to be questioned on the military 's alleged involvement in drug trafficking .
29 The inspectors also said teaching of religion in non-church primary schools was generally poor , and ‘ usually lacked rigour , clear purpose and explicit religious content . ’
30 In consequence , Christianity could also find lines of convergence with Mithraism — the more so as Mithraism stressed the immortality of the soul , a future judgement and the resurrection of the dead .
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