Example sentences of "these are [verb] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These are listed in the area of the schedule to which they may be applied .
2 Nor of course , if we dismiss the idea of ‘ memory molecules ’ , could we ever anticipate a pill to restore lost memories , for , as I have argued , these are represented in the brain not in the form of particular molecules but in a multitude of specific neuronal circuits .
3 About 2500 of these are registered in the computer , which stores relevant data on their blood and tissue types .
4 Finally this procedure calculates empirical corrections to be applied later to both the subject and the reference measures and these are saved in the record savedValues .
5 However , some IQ data for this group of subjects are available , and when these are re-examined in the light of revised population IQ norms a similar reduction in mean IQ is observed to that seen in early treated subjects .
6 Talk and activity centred on the child himself are likely to encompass mathematical ideas naturally , and some of these are explored in the section ‘ Myself ’ , below .
7 These are summarised in the table opposite .
8 Rather like English fairies , kuei will shy away from weapons made of iron or steel , and will not trouble a house where these are placed in the doorway .
9 These are exemplified in the health sector by gleaming tertiary care and research institutes in major cities such as Sao Paulo and poorly equipped or absent health posts in the ubiquitous shanty towns ( favelas ) .
10 In diplomatic exchanges , at least , the French accepted American reservations about unregenerate colonialism in Vietnam although , as the French pointed out , they could not be expected to assist in or condone the establishment of a government of Vietnam which would not follow democratic principles ‘ as these are understood in the West ’ .
11 These are repeated in the movie editor .
12 In order to give you some idea of the boundaries of the propositions these are numbered in the extract given above .
13 These are summarized in the life-cycle diagram of Fig. 16.1 .
14 If I clean these and I do n't get a pound these are going in the pond
15 These are considered in the remainder of this chapter .
16 Five major factors may be involved in the decision to ‘ go international ’ and these are shown in the diagram on the next page .
17 These are shown in the diagram below ( Figure 32.2 ) .
18 These are shown in the table below .
19 These are shown in the figure .
20 Some of these are mentioned in the bibliography at the end of the book .
21 Er these are found in the plasma membranes again of animal and plant cells and their role , and we 'll er see a lot more of this next week when we try and integrate er this discussion into into into er the er principles by which epithelium work , their role is principally in the stabilization of membrane potential .
22 These are described in the section on pages 43–50 , ‘ Self-employed and personal pensions ’ .
23 In the case of the BBC , these are contained in the Licence Agreement which forms part of the Corporation 's charter .
24 Whether these are reflected in the market price that a private supplier of capital goods would charge depends on how well the patent system allows the private producers to reap the benefits of these advances .
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