Example sentences of "just a way [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Separating the province from the rest of the island was just a way of sidestepping the Protestant minority 's implacable hostility to a British withdrawal .
2 Thinking about anything else was just a way of avoiding the choice .
3 The former proposal could be seen as just a way of improving the quality of decision-making by the High Court when hearing judicial review applications .
4 Is your work ( whether paid or unpaid ) just a way of paying the rent , or is it important to you as a person ?
5 Super-hip fashion accessory or just a way of keeping the kids out of the amusement arcades ?
6 Now that the law embraced the principle of what lawyers called cessio bonorum — yielding up of goods — some thought imprisonment should be regarded as punishment and not just a way of preventing the debtor absconding .
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