Example sentences of "only [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later when he wanted to release him he had only to go through the same motion but this time having his hand covered with a substance that would neutralize the smell .
2 These days everyone seems to be hopping on and off jets if only to go to the Spanish holiday resorts , but I have never left these shores .
3 Mayson was denied his hat-trick by good ‘ keeping and twice Smyth was through , only to go for the unselfish option when perhaps a shot would have been better .
4 The Smiths were heroic party-poopers at the Top of the Pops office do , glowering at the forced jollity ; they were like those gauche youths Who turn up to house parties only to cling to the dark comers in chaste disdain , driven by the naïve , vaguely inhuman conviction that all merriment is a lie .
5 So the argument that Mr Major needs only to wait for the inevitable victory , after the inevitable economic recovery , should be taken with a fistful of salt .
6 Pausing only to pull on the lightweight wrap that lay across the foot of the bunk , she grasped the torch more firmly and peered cautiously around the curtain .
7 The adults are viviparous , producing active microfilariae that rest in the lungs during the day only to appear in the peripheral blood at night when the culex mosquito host is active .
8 However , as before , No 7819 started in spectacular fashion only to falter on the latter part of the climb .
9 One has only to look at the economic forecasts .
10 One has only to look at the new jobs created and investment .
11 We have only to look at the disciplinary background of vice-chancellors over the past 30 years to see evidence of the modern superior position of science and technology .
12 If this all sounds a bit old-fashioned and too good to be true , you have only to look at the happy faces of these children who thoroughly enjoy spending their weekends mucking out , cleaning tack and grooming , while waiting their turn to ride .
13 It is grosser than in any European country and you have only to look down the nearest street to see it .
14 It served , however only to churn up the sodden land , whose drainage system had long since been destroyed by years of artillery fire , into a vast morass of craters filled with water , through which the British were expected to advance .
15 First , the notion of ‘ usability ’ leads us not only to focus on the eventual users of the information for whom , presumably , companies are investing significant amounts of money on more or less elaborate information-processing systems and structures .
16 This is not only to do with the intellectual innovations that led to the idea of the first factual surveys through to the social psychological and , finally , to the explanatory surveys incorporating variable analysis , but also to do with what is indicated about the nature of society and social life .
17 Hence the parser has only to decide on the syntactic structure that can be made from combining these different parts of speech .
18 It can be very frustrating to leave home in perfect conditions only to arrive at the chosen beach with rain and an unfavourable wind .
19 Johnny had another couple of seasons as a player , but he retired after a nasty fractured cheekbone and broken jaw early in 1962–63 , only to turn to the commercial side of the game and build a new and successful career there .
20 No answer , then Spencer passed out for a few seconds , only to wake to the pungent smell of burning and the sharp realisation that he must now get out of the thing .
21 So he was far from impressed with having to take part in the entire build-up , only to learn at the last minute he would not play from the start .
22 One has only to think of the simple arpeggios and ostinatos based on triads in Les Illuminations ( 1939 ) , or the seemingly effortless , tuneful setting of well-XXXX known poetry in the Serenade ( 1943 ) .
23 Driving back from Newhaven to Tunbridge Wells that afternoon , he had only to think of the empty house and the solitary evening awaiting him at Farriers to rebel against caution and risk a diversion to Ockham House .
24 One has only to think of the British motorcycle industry and its once-prime position to see the folly of believing you can sustain a world leading position without constant innovation .
25 One has only to think of the Romantic period where poets became their own heroes , and their lives were seen as part of their poetic output .
26 One has only to think of the remarkable story of growing , harvesting , and weaving cotton with its social and industrial history to realize the enormous learning potential of such a project .
27 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
28 On several occasions he left the bathroom feeling weak and drained , only to stop on the dark landing at the onset of another wave of nausea .
29 3 This is because the impulses from the stimulus have only to travel to the spinal cord and not the brain .
30 A fine contemporary hotel , guests at the Ritz have only to step across the main promenade to reach the soft private beach .
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