Example sentences of "only [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This not only involves a mutual understanding of the common-sense notions in everyday life about what counts as an excuse , it requires that constables put themselves in the position of the offender to test whether they would have done the same .
2 This not only produces a balanced form to the plant , carrying and showing the blooms to advantage , but reduces hindrance to air movement to a minimum .
3 If this were so , we could argue that the poem only represents a temporary loss of faith , instead of the turning-point in Wordsworth 's career .
4 Mercury currently only offers a single level of service termed ‘ primary rate ’ .
5 Anomie only offers a plausible account of deviant motivation if the cultural goal of success is as unidimensional as Merton suggests and if the pursuit of this goal is prevalent amongst those with blocked legitimate opportunities .
6 One coach only needs a small amount of work to restore it to its original condition , but the other requires extensive work .
7 But that only adds a new dimension of urgency to the business .
8 One version of the story has Massaccio losing all of his clothes as well , which not only adds a new possibility to the origin of the saying ‘ to lose your shirt ’ , but also a certain piquancy to the vision of the gambler outside the church .
9 Though H pylori also raises G17 several fold in the fasting state , this only causes a minor increase in fasting serum gastrin which consists predominantly of G34 .
10 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
11 The water treatment polymers will open up new markets for FMC , which at present only has a small business in this field based on commodity chemicals .
12 George Mayo is sixty two , but only has a mental age of six .
13 Powell only has a remote chance of playing , for Reilly 's squad has retained its shape and strength .
14 The international system not only has a major division between communist and capitalist states but also deeper cultural divisions between what are usually termed the First and Third worlds .
15 Although it only contains a small number of members , we have here a distinct and interesting adjective type , which among other things strikingly illustrates the unconscious linguistic skill of ordinary speakers ( see also Appendix B Section 5 ) .
16 The most informative is undoubtedly that caused by Gundovald 's claim to the throne , since Gregory of Tours not only allocates a considerable amount of space to the rebellion itself , but also provides evidence in the ensuing books of the Histories which illuminates the nature of the " pretender's ' following .
17 It is clear to me that as this only affects a small proportion of the membership and there are good strategic reasons for the larger firms to back the proposal ( eg the demise of the smaller practice ) , unless general practitioners take action now they will only have themselves to blame when their incomes fall and the value of their practices diminishes .
18 In section 8.2 it was pointed out how for a simple single-section L-R or C-R filter comprising just one reactive component only reaches a maximum rate of fall-off outside the pass band of 20 dB per decade of frequency compared with an infinite rate of fall-off for an ideal filter .
19 The problem is that the inspector only inspects a small sample at intervals and this can be misleading .
20 The problem is that the inspector only inspects a small sample at intervals and this can be misleading .
21 Breaking down activities into a number of small wins not only creates a rewarding climate for action but concentrates attention on the possible .
22 It may be that the child only recognises a particular picture in a particular book as an appropriate context for the word ‘ boat ’ ; or she may be able to recognise sailing boats but not canoes and motor boats .
23 As the moisture content of the wood in an unheated structure may be around 15 per cent , it only requires a small amount of damp in an unventilated corner to get the rot going .
24 A normal two page A4 fax can demand up to 200k and it only requires a moderate amount of activity before faxes are stretching the memory requirements of any system to the limits .
25 Similarly , the picture we have of the civil service drawn from such programmes as Yes Minister ! only depicts a small number of Mandarins at the top of the civil service .
26 Matrix sampling is also used , such that each student only takes a small part of the total battery of tests .
27 It only takes a small slippage for government revenue and spending forecasts to be thrown out of kilter .
28 ‘ It only takes a little thing like that .
29 Aerial photographs reveal little more than the site 's main features , and plotting scatters of surface finds only gives a reasonable guide to its centre , with little information about its extent or shape .
30 This book not only gives a detailed description of a modern analytical methods used in the detection of drugs of abuse but also includes information on the type of forensic support required by the police and customs in this area .
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