Example sentences of "only [vb pp] to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after the sack , Stamford was granted its great Charter of Incorporation by the newly acclaimed Yorkist king Edward IV , which gave it considerable rewards for its loyalty ( an earlier charter of 972 , which was a post-conquest forgery , and only referred to the mint at Stamford , was still celebrated in 1972 ) .
2 H. raised his special grievance , but his complaint published in the Sunday Express has only added to the completeness of his downfall …
3 The perverse laws of sexual attraction ensured that this lack of interest only added to the appeal of her generously-made , rosy beauty .
4 That perception only added to the urgency with which he threw himself into new international initiatives .
5 Oxbridge , then , was only lifted to the apex of the study of English language , literature , and history when it was subjected to the demands for national efficiency and leadership .
6 William Herbert had held several of his key posts in tail male and they were accordingly only granted to the duke during the minority of the young earl of Pembroke , William Herbert 11 .
7 William Herbert had held several of his key posts in tail male and they were accordingly only granted to the duke during the minority of the young earl of Pembroke , William Herbert 11 .
8 He destroyed my dreams in his first sentence by assuring me that the current wrought iron well cover only dated to the beginning of this century .
9 The idea of determining resources according to need was only applied to the division of resources between regions , never to the total amount of resources to be allocated .
10 Surprisingly , perhaps , he had only risen to the rank of major but , nevertheless , this status had afforded him a certain standard of living , being waited on by subordinates , an agreeable social life and plenty of opportunity , whenever the fancy took him , of indulging in affairs with the opposite sex .
11 ‘ I 've only got to the end of the year but my family will be carrying on where I left off .
12 Britain has only agreed to a package of £65 billion a year .
13 For this reason it was really only suited to the manufacture of plywood , for which it was immensely successful .
14 The clash in underlying values between Britain and the United States on the one hand and the former Soviet Union on the other , is illustrated by the fact that an act of financial speculation — which has not only led to the accumulation of great wealth but has also occasionally received public honour in Britain and the United States — might have earned the perpetrator the death sentence in the Soviet Union .
15 Restoration here has not only led to the repair of townscape , it has also created jobs for skilled craftsmen ( conservation creates more employment per pound than new build ) , and led to much needed housing for homeless and disadvantaged people .
16 In the S.pombe cosmid library , some probes were only hybridised to a subset of 1500 clones , resulting in missing data .
17 Whereas it hath been represented to us , upon the oaths of several of our trusty and well-beloved booksellers , that certain journeyman taylors , shoemakers , barbers , Spitaldfields-weavers [ sic ] , and other handicraftsmen , and that certain apprentices , shopmen , &c. have assembled in certain clubs , called Spouting-clubs , and , having there intoxicated themselves with porter and poetry , have presumed to make rhymes , and discharge them on the Public , under the title of ‘ Squires and Honourables , &c. &c. to the great annoyance of said Public , and of us , the said Reviewers ; WE do hereby ordain and decree that … [ everyone ] so offending in future , shall , for every such first offence , be chained to the compter , for a space , not exceeding twelve , nor less than six days ; and … for every such second offence , be not only chained to the compter for the said space of time ( more or less ) but be obliged to wear bob-wigs , and flapped hats without girdle or buckle , for the space of six months .
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