Example sentences of "only [num] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A report in the Independent of May 18 said that only 138 MPs in the 217-seat National Assembly had taken part in the voting .
2 ISLANDERS in the tiny Pacific state of Palau vote in a referendum on February 6 for the seventh time on a deal with the United States which would give the US strategic military rights in the Western Pacific only 500 miles from the troubled Philippines .
3 The left-wing Progressive Labour Party ( PLP ) received only 97 votes in the one constituency it contested .
4 At first glance , late Anglo-Saxon political history portrays a state riven by internal discord and highly vulnerable to external enemies : only fifty years after the Danish conquest it was subjugated again by the Normans .
5 He played very cool tennis after his tough first round encounter with twelve year old Adrian Barnes , dropping only eleven games in the three further matches he needed to reach the final .
6 By macabre coincidence , the truck was from an Army unit based in Dortmund , only 70 miles from the German town of Hofgeismar , where many of the injured tourists came from .
7 With these resignations by Mahmut Alinak and Mahmut Uyanik the SHP now contributed only 70 seats to the ruling coalition which it had formed with the True Path Party ( DYP ) [ see also pp. 38739 ; 38873 ] .
8 In fact Hounslow could find only eight players for the first match of the tournament and conceded 12 goals against England before the hard-working Hacker opened their account .
9 Described as " red patriots " the group had only eight deputies in the Supreme Soviet , but observers noted that the ideas which it promoted were gathering increasing support in Russia .
10 Only eight peptides from the four malaria antigens bound in this assay , all of which had hydrophobic or aromatic residues at position 9 ( Table 2 , Fig. 1 ) .
11 Already , after only eight months of the new arrangement , I believe the management of BP 's affairs is benefiting from it .
12 Lastly , the points used in the control group can not be regarded as suitable : electrical stimulation of needles only 2 cm from the real points is unlikely to be without some effect .
13 Smith , opening the innings , made 74 from only 53 deliveries in the first hour of the day , striking two sixes and 13 fours , before retiring to give someone else some practice .
14 Even when the results of Studies 2 and 3 are combined the best fitting quadratic function accounts for only 0.096 percent of the total variance across these 60 points , scarcely an improvement on the 0.043 percent obtained from the simple linear correlation coefficient .
15 They travelled 1,700 miles in eleven weeks , defied ten separate US commands , and capitulated only forty miles from the Canadian border .
16 The ‘ last outpost of freedom ’ , over one hundred miles from West Germany and only forty miles from the Polish border .
17 Despite Fascist claims that the working class of the East End was with them , Lewis could muster only 154 votes at the general election .
18 Mr Major fidgeted , and took an ever-so sneaky glance at his watch at 4:00pm to find to his dismay that only 30 minutes of the one hour , 53 minute-long drone had passed .
19 As it T's off the main flow , it takes only part of the flow from the pump , and using three Wurlys from one pump you lose only 30 GPH from the main flow rate .
20 In spite of only thirteen miles on the first day , nine on the second , a day 's rest at Adrar , and another here at Reggane , the average was still eighteen .
21 It seems rather more than fortuitous that Franco should have chosen this spot , for it was only 10 kilometres from the imposing palace , monastery and royal pantheon of El Escorial , built by Philip II in the sixteenth century .
22 YUGOSLAVIA , already qualified for the World Cup finals , maintained their unbeaten run in Group Five by beating Norway 1-0 last night , despite having only 10 men from the 13th minute .
23 At last , on 2 January 1989 , only forty-eight hours before the waiting period was scheduled to expire , the rollers returned , rising up like submarines out of a smooth blue sea and snapping shut like mousetraps .
24 Walter Smith 's team have lost only six matches over the last 18 months , covering 74 league fixtures .
25 Yusupov had prepared an unusual opening variation : taking only six minutes over the first 14 moves , while Karpov used almost an hour .
26 Nobody suffered more than Hignett — looking more and more a Premier League thoroughbred , despite only six games in the top flight following his £500,000 transfer last month .
27 Nevertheless , the grammar schools existing separately from secondary modern schools edgily defended their difference and their rights — even if one of them had only six pupils in the upper sixth .
28 It was only six miles from the English Border , but in his day England was friendly , and as well as an English wife he had a great many links with the southern kingdom , in which he owned large lands and from which he had brought so many sprigs of the Norman and Flemish nobility to settle in Scotland .
29 There were only six cows in the little cobbled byre with its low roof and wooden partitions and they all had names .
30 With Wales notching only six goals in the last year , and with none coming from Rush and Hughes , Allen knows he has every chance .
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