Example sentences of "only [verb] [pron] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 Preventing dental and gum disease will not only make your visits to the dentist more pleasant , but will mean that your mouth feels fresher and you can have a bright smile .
2 General Motors has two dealers in Britain — in Kingston and Manchester — and if you want a Syclone they will only lighten your wallet to the tune of £20,000 .
3 Government has not only turned its attention to the professions as economic entities , but in the 1980s adopted an increasingly dirigiste approach to higher education .
4 ‘ The Independent claims it has lost just 2pc , which not only undermines their submission to the OFT , but also indicates we may be expanding the market and attracting a number of lapsed broadsheet readers back to the fold . ’
5 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
6 The offering of gifts by the tribal chiefs and kings on behalf of their people was not only to demonstrate their obligation to the gods , but also to show the gods what the tribe needed from them ; usually greater wealth and greater victories over their enemies .
7 If he 'll only put his shoulder to the wheel .
8 Forster settled down , only putting his eye to the slit every half minute , not continually as he had started to do .
9 This not only gave me access to the early morning shot of the Opera House from Farm Cove , but also a marvellous image of the disk of sun rising behind the naval boats in the strangely named harbour .
10 This not only gave me access to the early morning shot of the Opera House from Farm Cove , but also a marvellous image of the disk of sun rising behind naval boats in the strangely-named harbour .
11 If you continue to eat the same kind of foods , and only increase your intake to the normal 2,000 mark by eating a little bit more of the same , life and the measuring tape should hold no terrors for you .
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