Example sentences of "just [vb base] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keegan 's not wrong to sell because you either do one of two things with this type of striker , build a side around him or just sit him on the bench for use in emergencies .
2 Another attempt to depart saw us just make it around the airport pattern .
3 You just repeat it like a machine . ’
4 You just repeat it like a machine , ’ crowed Julian .
5 You just repeat it like a machine , ’ agreed Damian .
6 if they 're not in just slip it through the door you ca n't keep
7 Stand one of your large ribber weights at each end of your table and when you have finished using one colour , just hook it round the weight out of the way .
8 If you just place them on the back seat of your car , or they are removed from an arrangement and not packed up in any special way , some of the petals will almost definitely become bruised , which will cause brown lines , patches and spots once the flowers have been pressed .
9 Just place it in an envelope and send it to the FREEPOST address provided .
10 Just send it to the prison and they say yeah , you know send their photographs and everything and people
11 Just plug it in the mains ?
12 just let it at the bottom .
13 Just dump it at the door there .
14 And I can remember having big long sheets and they would take us into Nottingham and just dump you at a shop and say now you know , go in and fill that in .
15 Just put them on the floor then .
16 You just put them into the formula , ad them up and then you do your Well let's say fifty eight fifty eight tonnes of H C L gives say a hundred and twenty tonnes of N A C L.
17 Just put them by the bed .
18 oh er , what you do , you just put them in a saucepan ?
19 just put them in a pan and cook 'em
20 They just put them in the meat wagon and dropped them up town .
21 And we just put them in the middle of the room and
22 I shut Ben in the conservatory now when I go out through the week , we just put him in the garage when we go out the weekend
23 you 're always concerned , do n't get me wrong , but you just put it to the back of your mind .
24 Yeah if you do n't , if you do n't like it you probably just put it to the back of your mind then
25 Yeah , well I got a kit there and I wir I wired , just put it on the floor and it
26 that wants er , just put it on the seats
27 Just put it on the side That 's rude .
28 you know , I just put it on the table and left it there and as I say it 's certainly better to because when you 're looking like then it 's easier do that .
29 Right , just put it on the table and leave it !
30 And just put it on the coffee table , but keep it away from those books .
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