Example sentences of "your [noun] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is absolutely essential for this outbound leg to be flown for this specific distance if you are going to have any hope of reaching your Decision Height on the final approach with the field ahead of you .
2 If you choose a joint honours degree , you will commence your university study of the joint subject ; joint degrees are available with Mathematics , French , Accountancy , Spanish , Arabic , Computer Science , Engineering , Psychology , German , Economics , Italian , and Law .
3 Make friends with your accounts department at the first opportunity .
4 Write a report for your Course Tutor on the last industrial visit which your group made .
5 The weight seems to pour on , especially after 24 weeks , and it may seem impossible to keep your weight gain within the current guidelines of 20–30lb .
6 Remember when comparing prices that your COSMOS FUNBREAK holiday already includes your entry ticket to the EURO DISNEYLAND Theme Park — ( worth over £19* for an adult 's 1 Day Pass and over £34* for an adult 's 2 Day Pass ) , guaranteeing you entry into the Theme Park .
7 For most cars you will have to give up the whole of your mobility supplement for the three year period .
8 It was economical , thought Lydia , and reassuring to make your dwelling place of the same indigenous material as your grave .
9 Check your telephone directory for the nearest branch or contact the London HQ for further information .
10 Thank you for your telephone enquiry about the above site .
11 Your coach will be waiting to depart from EURO DISNEYLAND at about 2.30pm for your return journey to the French coast and your short ferry crossing back to the UK .
12 After breakfast , reboard your coach for your return journey to the French coast and your short ferry crossing back to the UK .
13 Imagine your evening reception around the torchlit Roman Baths in Bath .
15 ( b ) We accept responsibility for death , bodily injury or illness caused to your or others named on your booking form by the negligent act or omission of our employees , agents , suppliers or sub-contractors or of their employees or agent acting within the course or scope of their employment ( other than that of air , sea and land carriers performing any domestic internal or international carriage whatsoever where we limit our liability to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage ) .
16 All of us in the team knew that we were totally dependent on the Lord for any ‘ success ’ — but it was still reassuring at each crusade when Walter would murmur to me as he surveyed the huge first night crowds — ‘ Well , Harvey , that 's your job safe till the next one .
17 I would like to thank your Charities Committee for the generous Christmas present , in the form of a £250 donation , they have given to CPRW !
18 Turn to page 29 of your wine list for the three simple questions and entry form .
19 To bear away from the wind , you must move your body weight to the other side by bending the knees and bringing the hips over the board .
20 Place your back foot in the front high wind strap .
21 You will be given the name of your studies adviser during the first week of term .
22 A mere £1,250.00 , fully inclusive , will secure your Pullman seat on the glamorous Orient Express for the journey of a lifetime .
23 Shall I change your library book at the same time ? ’
24 Dial this first , then your area code minus the first zero , followed by your home number . ’
25 In addition , we will pay the reasonable cost , where necessary , of taking your motor cycle to the nearest suitable repairer and returning it after repair to your address as shown on the schedule .
26 Go left here , along the valley floor before turning left again to return to your start point over the high moors .
27 This walk takes you across farmland to St Margaret 's , and back again to your start point along the famous white cliffs .
28 If you already pay your employee any money while she receives SMP , for example , occupational maternity pay , this will count towards your SMP payment for the same week .
29 You then compare your sales performance in the two areas — usually in terms of the percentage change on the previous years — and you have a measure of which campaign is the more successful .
30 Just because you had the good fortune to pay nothing for your very expensive university education does little to justify a system of higher education which , at the same time , excluded 85 per cent of your age group from the privileged position you evidently enjoyed .
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