Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [vb infin] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He started his career at Everton , but did not make the first team and has since played at Bolton , Chester , Lincoln , West Brom and Preston .
2 ( Thus a child who did not reach the first birthday is counted as zero year old ; from 12 completed months to 23 completed months as one year old , etc . )
3 In particular , the European Court did not answer the second question posed for its consideration by this House , which was concerned with the criteria to be applied by the national court in deciding whether or not to grant interim protection of the rights claimed .
4 Michael did not visit the next day , nor the day after .
5 Most Scout and Guide troops did not survive the Second World War .
6 Lord Hope did not accept the first submission on behalf of the pursuers , which was to the effect that when the completed application form was sent to the building society the pursuers had accepted an offer made by the society to consider the application , as , unlike in Hunter v General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Co , 19O9SC ( HL ) 3O , the building society in the present case had not given any undertaking to consider the application and were under no obligation to do so .
7 On Saturday , the device did not work the second time .
8 The taxpayer did not attend the next meeting in January 1991 , having written to the Clerk to the Commissioners seeking an adjournment .
9 I did n't discover the first snail or the first nettle that sprouted up on this planet .
10 I do all the things I did n't do the first time .
11 I said she , she might well come back to you I said she 's tried to keep you on a string just in case she did n't land the next dish he looked horrified , you know , as far as he 's concerned its all love and glamour .
12 Well I mean I , I did n't empty the last packet .
13 If that Custom House clock was before twelve o'clock you was finished : you did n't get the next day 's pay .
14 Everyone in the whole marine department just threw up their hands in horror and told me I was crazy , I did n't know the first thing about ships , the whole marine fleet would fall apart .
15 He had been told that he did n't know the first thing about it , that the young were all the same , destructive and careless , that Mrs Irving set a value on her privacy .
16 She did n't know the first thing about him , after all .
17 And as I had this urge to correct manuscripts as I went along , and could n't read his handwriting , and did n't know the first thing about Roman Britain , you can imagine he felt obliged to educate me .
18 What was she doing , anyway , going out with a man she did n't know the first thing about ?
19 ‘ He did n't know the first thing about you , did he ? ’
20 Only then did she realise that , for all she had been in his company for a total of several hours now , she still did n't know the first thing about him .
21 I did n't know the next thing .
22 I did n't mind because I did n't like the next lesson anyway .
23 If the ruse did n't work the first time , it invariably did on the second occasion .
24 Well the reality is of course that Clare has already told us that internment did n't work the last time , it was badly done the last time .
25 Letting me think that you slept with so many men you did n't have the first idea who the father was ! ’
26 Robyn clutched the receiver and found she did n't have the first idea of what she would say when he answered it .
27 I did n't take the first bus , or the second .
28 Sorry I I simply did n't hear the first part of that lot sir .
29 Just in case you did n't hear the first time .
30 They did n't see the second passenger because she 'd fallen into the well between the front and back seats .
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