Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [vb infin] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Media Vision Technology Inc , making multimedia products in Fremont , California got its initial public offering of 1.75m shares , 1m of them new , away at $26.25 a share ; it did not give its plans for the $25m or so net proceeds .
2 He would often go down to the Hare and Hounds at the west end of Hury — it 's gone now of course — but he was a grand man and his scarum ways did not alter my affection for him one bit .
3 But , after fifteen years alone on the island , I was afraid , and I did not leave my cave for three days .
4 Even as heir-apparent , he had been in correspondence with Louis XVI of France concerning his plans for reorganising the army , and the overthrow of the French monarchy in the year of his accession , 1789 , did not diminish his enthusiasm for learning from the west .
5 Innocent 's letters of the summer and autumn 1200 ( to all the princes of Germany , to Philip Augustus , to King John and to the duke of Brabant and his wife ) did not hide his preference for Otto .
6 Fernandes , the party 's former shadow Foreign Minister , was quoted as saying that if Savimbi did not accept their call for reforms at the party conference to be held on June 30 , their tendency would split from UNITA .
7 He did not assert his claims for the structure and rites and liturgy of the Church of England as highly as did the divines of the next century .
8 It did not replace my fascination for mammals , birds and reptiles .
9 This tragedy , however , did not dull their passion for skiing and Sarah remembers the early rivalry for supremacy on the slopes .
10 He took his seat in the House in February 1833 , but did not enjoy his position for long as , in the following month , he caught a chill and died in London 28 March 1833 .
11 Despite interim turnover growth of 17.6% at ICL Technology GmbH , the German company did not hit its target for the full year due to poor trading conditions — growth was approximately 10% .
12 They did not share her enthusiasm for peace and space and wide skies .
13 He did not share my passion for Frank O'Hara , Robert Duncan , Denise Levertov ( whom I had met in London and Paris ) , James Merrill and the early Pound ; nor did I agree with his high estimate of Robert Lowell , Howard Nemerov and T.S .
14 His successors did not share his passion for maritime affairs ; and in the 1730s and 1740s the fleet he had created was allowed to decline sharply in numbers and efficiency .
15 She might be in for a long wait : Bella did n't break her routine for anyone .
16 His eyes did n't leave my face for a second .
17 ‘ I did n't want your search for your mother to lead to heartbreak , ’ he went on , moving close and slipping his arm around her .
18 That did n't make his love for Sien any less true .
19 Either she was a Madonna and people did n't give her credit for being one , or else she was trying to be one and people were trying to stop her or possibly she was being forced to be one against her better judgement .
20 The next time he awoke , they blistered the back of his hands with cigarette burns , but this time , mercifully , he had passed out within ten minutes and did n't regain his senses for nearly two hours .
21 Coronation Street began in 1960 but , as any fule kno , it did n't catch its stride for a good ten years .
22 We did n't discuss his plans for the day , only mine , and those I presume are hardly of interest to you . ’
23 Did n't take long , you did n't need your calculator for that .
24 People have a right to be cynical , but I did n't write my book for people who do n't believe in astrology .
25 Murder brought Raskolnikov to see that he did n't believe his reasons for committing it .
26 ‘ Marriage Guidance , ’ he said , ‘ did n't understand my need for brutally climaxing into tight white bottoms . ’
27 But his lack of affection for her did n't lessen her love for him , nor did she give up hope that she would one day be able to make him feel genuinely fond of her .
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