Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. J. praised the nurses who had looked after his mother , and did not blame them in any way for her death .
2 Whereas Charles Dance did not resemble him in any way .
3 She said well you did n't tell me in any case did you ?
4 She did n't earn it in any conventional sense : her last employer left one third of his substantial fortune to her outright , and another third for life .
5 I did n't oppose them in any way you see .
6 You did n't weight them in any way ?
7 well it 's just that Andrew had to you know , he , he , did n't , he d did n't said it , did n't say it in any very , you know , he said it very
8 I mean they did n't have them in those colours in those days , that was the true Arran .
9 Yeah well they did n't have them in these days Ann .
10 ‘ Well , I did n't take him in that morning .
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