Example sentences of "other [noun pl] of the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each authority is set a ‘ grant related expenditure assessment ’ ( GREA ) based on computation by the Department of the Environment of how much each authority needs to spend to achieve a common level of services with other authorities of the same type .
2 It consists of two elements : ( i ) domestic rate relief , paid to enable authorities to relieve domestic ratepayers of a certain proportion of their rates ( currently 18.5p in the ) ; ( ii ) block grant , intended to supplement an authority 's own finances so that , irrespective of individual local needs and resources , it can provide a similar standard of service for a similar rate poundage to other authorities of the same class .
3 For example , different aspects of a picture , a coin and an Egyptian mummy would need to be emphasised if they are to be distinguished from other objects of the same sort .
4 In the case of a takeover , the court will regard the bidder and persons connected with him as promoters of the scheme and , accordingly , as having separate interests from other shareholders of the same class ( Re Hellenic above ) .
5 The Gyroflo oven gives you more cooking space per shelf than most other ovens of the same size , and a slow economical cook facility .
6 In these and other books of the same kind the central characters strongly resemble one another and fulfil similar roles in the action as examples of young people learning by experience — and , for the most part , experience of an unexpected and dangerous kind .
7 And under the " public good " defence it may be relevant to the jury 's task of evaluating the merit of a particular book to compare it with other books of the same kind , and to hear expert evidence about the current climate of permissiveness in relation to this kind of literature .
8 There they find all they need-food and water , protection from too much heat or too much cold , space to live in , a place to hide away from animals which might eat them , and a good chance of meeting other animals of the same kind as themselves so that they can reproduce .
9 All we have is a process of trial and error which , essentially , consists in seeing how well a particular indicator correlates with other indicators of the same concept and with other indicators of concepts presumed to be related in some causal connection .
10 But some forms of technological change resulted both in new forms of homework ( the retailing revolution , for example , brought changes in the way goods were packaged , giving rise to the homework trade of boxmaking ) , and a greater demand for certain traditional tasks performed by homeworkers , for while parts of a particular trade might become subject to large scale organisation , other aspects of the same trade not uncommonly remained the province of homeworkers .
11 The lectures which he delivered in America on this visit are not of crucial critical significance and , like other addresses of the same period , they are chiefly remarkable for the fact that he felt able to talk at some length about himself and his work — as if he realized that audiences came to see him , rather than hear anything he might care to say .
12 Then two other subjects of the same area , but of different , darker colours were added .
13 I consider this tendency to be dangerous because it undermines the great eighteenth-century idea of the unity of mankind , an idea that is so menaced anyway by racism and other movements of the same sort .
14 It would be difficult , for instance , to move the ‘ Marseillaise ’ out of the set of meanings sediment Ed around it — hence around other tunes of the same type , too — which derive from the history of the revolutionary French bourgeoisie .
15 This pattern was not found in two other countries of the same region , due among other things , perhaps , to differences in levels of mothers ' education .
16 However , this does not prove semantic constituency , because coordination is normal only with other elements of the same sort — i.e. elements which similarly fail the recurrent contrast test .
17 Once one group of rats has been treated , kindled seizures should occur more rapidly in other rats of the same strain , according to Sheldrake 's hypothesis .
18 Their fringes slowed their rate of descent by 5 per cent compared to other lizards of the same size .
19 A data structure may also be involuted where entity occurences relate to other occurrences of the same entity .
20 to determine the liability of the owner of a dog under the animals act 1971 a dog must be compared with other dogs of the same breed and not with dogs generally .
21 ( The retention of the single ground-line for the Centauromachy is probably due to its adaptation to the narrow field of the vase-neck ; other reminiscences of the same picture do show broken ground . )
22 The doctor who attended him , Guillaume de Harselly , was evidently experienced in cases of mental illness , and warned the royal counsellors that other attacks of the same kind were to be expected .
23 For example , Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces pyoluteorin ( 3 ) , which is effective in controlling damping-off in cotton caused by Pythium ultimum ( this disease prevents or retards the establishment of seedlings ) ; other strains of the same bacterium produce pyrrolnitrin ( 4 ) , which is active against a range of fungal pathogens of cotton , whereas phenazine-1-carboxylic acid ( 5 ) is active against take-all or ‘ whiteheads ’ of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici , which infects roots .
24 Is it to avoid confusion with other films of the same name or is it to give hapless viewers an idea of who they were dating , or supposed to be dating , at the time ?
25 Recognising that the originator of a suggestion or fault may not fully understand how that fault is relevant to other users , the SSR provides an opportunity to re-phrase the failure ( or error on the part of the user ) and respond in a way which is intelligible to other users of the same software .
26 Other stars of the same kind were found , and by now many are known .
27 A car bomb in Bilbao on Jan. 8 injured a woman and her daughter ; two other members of the same family , which was apparently involved in drug trafficking , had been killed by an ETA car bomb in 1989 .
28 Teenage mothers are not a significantly large group , nor are they a particularly increasing " problem " in this country , but their lives are quite different to those of other girls of the same age without children .
29 Further museums are the responsibility of other divisions of the same Ministry , for example , the Musée National d'Histoire Naturel , which comes under the Education department .
30 For the low risk junctions it does not appear that high risk exemplars actually contain more risk related information than other exemplars of the same junction .
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