Example sentences of "other [noun] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Regrettably , neither these nor any other conflicts emerge with any conviction from 7:84 's dull and disappointing production .
2 It does seem a pity that no one has bothered to look at the actual behaviour of the children in question in relation to such practices as might lead them to encounter greater dangers of lead pollution ; the almost entire absence of psychologists among the medical and other experts engaged in this research may account for their overlooking a very obvious alternative hypothesis .
3 From morning to dusk on all days except the Sabbath , he was out in the marketplace among the other merchants trading in any commodity with which he could make a profit , including money itself .
4 This will not be easy , and , where the seller has solved the problem of infringement by obtaining a licence , or redesigning the goods so as to put an end to the infringement , there may not be any other damage suffered in any event .
5 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
6 Unless otherwise noted , the legal and other considerations outlined in this section apply generally to all of these categories of valuation .
7 Any changes to a style ( possibly to an ancestor style held centrally on the network ) will permeate to all other styles inheriting from this style .
8 Other animals described in this book have occupied a specific ecological niche where they can quietly pursue their own speciality without embarking on any spectacular radiation in the manner of the ammonoids .
9 And Jesus was going across to the other side to look for this man .
10 Two other roles secured in that year , 1960 , held better promise but in the end brought him no further progression in his career .
11 You know there was there was no other work going at that time .
12 For further details on these events and information on other countries featured in this brochure , Sovereign recommends that you contact the appropriate National Tourist Office who are always pleased to help .
13 This father , an Englishman — like the other parents involved in this affair — then told what happened next .
14 This may be true , but there are other offences to deal with that aspect , and , in any case , violence in private raises the same issues of physical integrity and self-determination .
15 Early morning 's not my best time , specially when I 've spent half the night dreaming terrible dreams and the other half listening to some loon droning on about turtles in Japan — but it was great dawdling along by the river .
16 Under the Children Act 1975 an adopted child has the same right to succeed on the intestacy of his adoptive parent as any other child born to that parent .
17 It is both easy and tempting ( and very much in line with the other ideas expressed in this book ) to adopt a neocatastrophist attitude to the fossil record .
18 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
19 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
20 Many other films released at this time showed how widespread were the skills developed by Hepworth .
21 There is much sharper rejection than obtained with the other filters described in this section and , very significantly , there is total rejection when While the basic circuit of figure 8.10(a) is only really suitable for rejection at a fixed frequency , variants exist which are amenable to tuning .
22 HARPY 's use of a finite-state grammar permitted backwards pruning since a finite-state grammar has the property that any string of words leading to a given state is equivalent to any other string leading to that state as far as future states are concerned .
23 This means that the fundamental unit of analysis , both for this study and for most of the other studies reported in this thesis , is the junction .
24 The person signing the booking form confirms that he/she has the authority of all other persons mentioned on that form to make the booking on their behalf and that he/she has read and accepted the Consumer Protection Plan and the information contained in this brochure .
25 Other teams competing in this year 's event include Saatchi & Saatchi , Barclays Bank , Prudential Corporation , British Airways , Abbey National , Mercury Communications , ICI and Nikki Securities .
26 And Have you seen or heard British special stamp issues , being advertised through any other sources shown on this card ?
27 The danger with that we believe could be that we would set a date for the merger and take all the important issues and discussions , how many regions will it have will we have , the those regions and a hundred and one other problems raised by that merger into a tight timescale .
28 Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this Agreement : —
29 ( F ) The Absence of a claim or of notice of accident by a Policyholder or other person indemnified by such Policy shall not prevent the operation of this Agreement between the parties hereto .
30 ( 3 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person under investigation or any other person to produce at such place as may be specified in the notice and either forthwith or at such time as may be so specified any specified documents which appear to the Director to relate to any matter relevant to the investigation or any documents of a specified description which appear to him so to relate ; and — ( a ) if any such documents are produced , the Director may — ( i ) take copies or extracts from them ; ( ii ) require the person producing them to provide an explanation of any of them ; ( b ) if any such documents are not produced , the Director may require the person who was required to produce them to state , to the best of his knowledge and belief , where they are .
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