Example sentences of "did [adv] [verb] to [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her reputation as a glutton meant that while she often visited the matron with digestive problems these escapades did little harm to her popularity .
2 In a centralised education system , the setting up of machinery to undertake curriculum planning and development is no more than a means towards making possible the six processes I outlined at the beginning of this chapter and which in our ideal world should have happened logically at national level : laying a research base for change , deciding objectives , forming a strategy , developing materials , implementing them and evaluating both the process and the result — a clinical sequence which even the methodical Swedes did not perform to their satisfaction .
3 The inquest was told Sarah left her digs in early December but did not go to her home .
4 But I did not go to his church .
5 He did not cling to his rights ( Phil .
6 Even though insects did not answer to their names , they had to have them ; otherwise nobody knew what anybody else was talking about .
7 I did not cleave to their affectation that man 's essential role is to endure the sufferings of a senseless existence until death provides the bounty of eternal life .
8 Wallace did not reply to our letters and telephone calls .
9 When the tüv did not reply to his letters , Mr Cameron visited it in Essen .
10 She did not reply to his cards , and when she spoke to him on the telephone he said she always declined his invitations firmly .
11 He did not reply to my question but shuffled a paper and looked at his sidekick , the same woman who 'd visited with him before .
12 Mr. Rifkind did not reply to my letter although I addressed it to him personally at the House of Commons …
13 ‘ Our conversation did not end to my satisfaction , ’ he informed her tightly , coming in and closing the door .
14 He possessed the true explorer 's curiosity but did not bring to his journeys his own creative touch .
15 When he did not return to his hotel in the evening , Captain Trevor , a local man , bravely organized a search party .
16 There was little time left before his meeting with Merymose , so he did not return to his house , but took a circuitous route which would bring him to their rendezvous at the moment the sun touched the top of the western cliffs .
17 The interesting thing is that while Applegarth did not return to his trade , or to the union movement , he retained his political radicalism to the end of his days : for another fifty years .
18 But a doctor at the inquest said he believed the complications could have happened anyway and the unmatched blood did not lead to her death .
19 She did not refer to her anguish ; nor did she to mine , but she bent all her energies towards distracting me , insofar as that was possible .
20 Next morning he seemed to remember nothing of the night 's experiences , and Tess did not refer to his sleepwalking .
21 He had a written employment contract , but it did not refer to his place of work .
22 The lights were dim , and the room was dark ; her brother did not respond to her cries , so the girl went inside to look for him .
23 However , the officer also warned that the army 's deadline was the end of the month and that , if de Gaulle did not respond to its appeal , the army would go ahead with Operation Resurrection nonetheless .
24 In the beginning , a team of French builders was hired , but when they did not respond to his treatment of them as an army detachment , he fired them and barked orders at Anthony instead .
25 When Richard did not respond to his greeting except by frowning and then turning away , Hugh remained undismayed .
26 Vass , predictably , did not rise to her challenge .
27 But his adaptability did not apply to his tenets , merely to his instinct for self-preservation .
28 He called his great-uncle by his christian name with no prefix and did not jump to his feet when the old man entered the room .
29 This snappily dressed , half-smiling man with something of the looks of the young Cary Grant about him did not approximate to his vision of a psychiatrist .
30 The combination of prophetic denunciation and broad generalization did not appeal to his contemporaries ; as one of his colleagues in the Chandos Group ( where Eliot had been discussing the matters contained in his book ) wrote later , " It is understandable that The Idea of a Christian Society should make little appeal to the large majority of the intelligentsia .
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