Example sentences of "did [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 There could never be any resolution of her love for David , but she did not want him to think that his feelings were unwanted or unreciprocated .
2 The concerns of Scott J were echoed by Harman J in Systems Reliability Holdings Plc v Smith [ 1990 ] IRLR 377 where the judge concluded ( in a case where he was concerned with an express restriction on the use and disclosure of , in particular the knowledge acquired by the defendant during his employment of the ability to modify an old computer by a small addition so as to make a new product of significant commercial value ) that the controversial part of Neill LJ 's judgment did not bind him to hold that there can not be in an express restrictive of covenant any restriction on information held by an ex-employee which is not a trade secret or something similar .
3 He was , however , concerned that information obtained by the SFO might be disclosed to other authorities , and might be used by them for a prosecution ; this concern did not lead him to believe that it would be proper to order the disclosure of the transcript to the SFO without any conditions .
4 It did not stop her knowing that she had made an idiot of herself and upset Harriet Shakespeare , who had enough trouble without that .
5 Miss Andrews did not invite me to order that the sum should be paid out to Crossman Block on terms that they should not part with it without a further order of the court ; in such an event she accepted that it would be better that the sum should remain in court .
6 She did n't want them to know that her life had been quite a privileged one .
7 The suggestion about the car had come from the rifleman — he 'd asked if I had a car , and I 'd said yes , because I did n't want them to know that I 'd come by boat .
8 She did n't want him to know that she had been looking at him .
9 In fact , there were so many things she did n't want him to know that a list of them would have stretched on and on .
10 ‘ I did n't know they paid that well in the nick , ’ he heard himself say loudly .
11 Although the majority of the people did n't know I believe that came out after the war , but people who were affected , they knew exactly that their son or husband was in Dachau
12 It did n't surprise her to learn that he was extremely knowledgeable where his subject was concerned .
13 Yes , I did n't hear him saying that they waive the payments from you when , I did n't know if you were meant to ?
14 Right , I I 'm sorry I did n't understand I thought that you
15 You said about the hens making a lot , how did how did they work that as an industry with the eggs and things how did they collect and work ?
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