Example sentences of "now look [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are now looking at the idea of team appraisals instead of appraising individuals .
2 Exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going and Courtaulds is now looking at the possibility of helping them design a fibre spinning rig .
3 Edward was now looking at the river with great intensity ; he leaned forward a little , as though to see something better .
4 He is now looking at the win as the foundation to his future .
5 The three states , now looking to the west for hard currency earnings , have the advantage of strategically vital port facilities and generous development support from Scandinavian neighbours on the Baltic .
6 It is time now to look at the sections of financial theory which are relevant for the valuation of securities .
7 We go on now to look at the importance of the dialogue , and the problems which can occur when communication breaks down .
8 But then we were big enough now to look after the kids for her while she went .
9 We will now look at the stages of entity analysis which are :
10 Let's now look at the relationship between total product and average product O K the slope of a ray from the origin , alright , along the curve rises all the way to L 2 units , right , so the slope of the cord , ray rather , the slope of ray from the origin rises , right , to O 2 sorry to O L 2 units of labour as a result the margin , sorry the average product of labour is also rising over that range .
11 design parameters let's now look at the process of preparing the artwork itself .
12 With the substantial reality of an ether existing in space as accepted by Quantum Physics , in line with the ancient Vedic teachings , we can now look at the movement of this energy and how it integrates and forms this material world we know according to modern twentieth-century understanding as well as past views .
13 I will now look at the ridiculousness of The Queen 's Croquet Ground .
14 There was speculation that Barclays may now look to the US for a chief executive , given the limited availability of suitable candidates on this side of the Atlantic .
15 One woman , remarking on ‘ how wonderful it was , with what faith the Führer spoke ’ , was reported as saying it took just such a speech to show ‘ how faint-hearted one had become through the routine of everyday life ’ , and that she could now look to the future with confidence again .
16 Can you now look in the middle of page thirty one .
17 With the background of general ideas about turbulence in Chapter 19 , we now look at the structure of fully turbulent shear flows .
18 Now look at the map of the Caribbean on the book cover .
19 Now look at the tragedy of Barts .
20 A committed runner himself and one of the original running shoe repair specialists , Davis claims that compared with the boom years of the mid-eighties fewer people now look to the skills of the cobbler .
21 Millions of us now look to the countryside to ‘ get away from it all ’ , only to find many favoured spots overcrowded by people and traffic as a result .
22 They now looked towards the door through which the young fellow was making a hurried exit , and , somewhat impatiently , Aggie said , ‘ Come along with you , come along , ’ and led the way through yet another door and into a passageway , and so into a square hall from which a stairway rose .
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