Example sentences of "well [subord] with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He dealt firmly with the attempts of the union movement to stir up trouble and efficiently with the problems created by Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia 's state visit , as well as with the great occasion of the coronation .
2 Closely connected with expressionism , and hence in opposition to ‘ conservatives ’ like Liebermann , as well as with the political left was Herwarth Walden ( née Levine ) .
3 In our relations with the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe as well as with the poverty-stricken peoples of the South , we will work from the principle that political freedom needs the sure foundation of economic security .
4 Extensive correspondence took place between the National Council and the colleges , as well as with the local authorities and the Secretary of State .
5 Since in the case of a solicitors ' partnership all parties to such agreements should be taken as being familiar with the legal principles governing covenants in restraint of trade as well as with the particular circumstances of the practice with which they have all been involved , it might be thought that the court would be unwilling to substitute its own ideas as to what might constitute reasonable protection for the business .
6 Parents discussed their children 's sleep diaries and their aims for improvement in twos and threes as well as with the whole group .
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