Example sentences of "now [v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He gave not the slightest sign of having heard her , continuing to stroke her neck , and now inserting his fingers under the neckline of her nightshift .
2 So property professionals are now turning their sights towards the existing occupied stocks .
3 Dr Laurence Rocke is now sending his findings to The Lancet .
4 Following on from the IWM 's history of Duxford work , Mary is now getting her teeth into the service history of the IWM/Shuttleworth combined Sea Hurricane I restoration project .
5 Mr Gordon in your erm opening remarks you referred to the fact that erm following the programme re-orientation I think you words were that the full government are now capping their liabilities on the programme .
6 Try to view your work as dispassionately as you would any other programme you might watch on the television — but do n't be too hard on yourself , you are now comparing your efforts with the work of skilled professionals !
7 It 's not hard to identify some voluntary organisations which were shoe string operations a few years ago but are now lumbering their employees in the hundreds .
8 Indeed , many employers are now reviewing their clauses in the light of it .
9 The government is now washing its hands of the industry as it hands it over to a rigged market which will leave very few pits in Britain and the destruction of an asset which the British people asked the government to save and which the government said they were going to save .
10 Presumably , after carrying out their assignments , they had been returning at irregular intervals and were now preparing their reports for the final session of the afternoon .
11 The anti-Europeans , however , are now pinning their hopes on the Danes , who in their forthcoming referendum will almost certainly vote against Maastricht , rendering the entire treaty null and void .
12 Following my success in transferring Colin Webley to Leeds United , other top clubs are now casting their chequebooks towards the talent I have nurtured here at Athletico .
13 Having set our investment in bricks and mortar , we 're now setting our sights on the future .
14 Times are changing and marketing agencies are now briefing their company-clients about the ‘ grey consumer ’ , whose custom is becoming too valuable to be ignored .
15 Some firms have resisted : Kellogg , which has seen own-labels ' share of the cereal market double since 1988 , is now emblazoning its boxes with the slogan ‘ We do n't make cereal for anyone else . ’
16 Adam indicated Billie who was now stretching her legs in the terminal .
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