Example sentences of "now [adv] [verb] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A common example of this form of the tort , though now much restricted by the legislation governing trade disputes , has been the situation where X is B 's servant , whom A induces to act in breach of his contract of employment so as to prevent B fulfilling his contract .
2 The position is now somewhat alleviated by the case of Rowlands ( Mark ) Ltd v Berni Inns Ltd [ 1985 ] QB 211 where it was held that the intention of the parties to the lease was that the landlord 's claim would be against the insurers under the insurance policy and that the landlord would not have a claim against the tenant for breach of covenant , to the effect that there was no claim to which the insurers could be subrogated .
3 Does not the Secretary of State understand that the people in the Forth Valley health board area will greet his decision with great dismay , especially the families of the mentally handicapped patients in that hospital , who do not have a vote , could not be consulted and who are now greatly exercised by the prospect of being cast into the free market system ?
4 The loose association of the public library and its public ( compared with , for example , the university library and the university ) has traditionally required it to be as visible as possible ; and this is now further stimulated by the need to publicize an extended range of new services and by the need to justify its existence in an increasingly harsh economic climate ( particularly in the USA and the UK ) where there are competing claims for public money from the various public services .
5 As they try to restore their original position by recalling discount market loans , we shall have the same circumstances as those described above but now deliberately engineered by the Bank .
6 The parkland at the back of the Villa Reale is separated by a fence from the Boschetti di Via Marina , the little wood of the Via Marina , an elegant tree-lined street designed by Piermarini but now thoroughly ruined by the car park of ACI , the Italian Automobile Club .
7 Situated among pine and pepper trees and commanding a vew , now partly obscured by the apartment blocks and tourist hotels of modern Palma , across rocky landscape to Calamayor beach and the Mediterranean sea , the Fundacio Pilar i Joan MirĂ³ is the latest cultural initiative of Spain .
8 That lay on the east side of Russell Road , now partly occupied by the Sauchiebank Industrial Estate .
9 For Scotland , like all other European countries , was now severely affected by the Reformation movement , which not only injected religious confusion and conflict into the church , but profoundly disturbed long-established political traditions , especially in foreign relations .
10 Is the desire to join unions by individuals now severely constrained by the unwillingness of new or existing employers to recognise trade unionism especially in private manufacturing ?
11 Our earliest known inhabitant , " Hailing Man " , is now securely dated by the radiocarbon method to about 2000 B.C. His skeleton came to light in August 1912 when workmen were excavating for a sewage tank behind the railway station .
12 One result is that ministers are now routinely sacked by the handful .
13 Physical discomforts , however , were now partially offset by the fact that the legal immunities of diplomats were becoming more clearly defined and generally recognised than in the past .
14 They had spies out , to be sure , but so far no definite reports had come in other than that Balliol and the English army , now unfortunately reinforced by the Highland and other Scots adherents , had left Perth ten days before , cavalry and foot marching southwards by Auchterarder and the Allan Water , to cross Teith by the Ford of Keir and Forth by the Fords of Frew , presumably to avoid any opposition at the vulnerable Stirling Bridge ; which conjecture had set Alexander Ramsay worrying about Doune Castle and Mariot Randolph , not to mention her brother raising his levies thereabouts .
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