Example sentences of "now [verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If regional balance sheets were struck , the equivalent of £1.5b of ‘ the subvention ’ would now arise everywhere in the UK .
2 It is now collaborating formally with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence as well as conducting a nationwide survey of medieval wall paintings in Britain in partnership with the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England .
3 But administration lawyers said that limitation now applied only within the US and not beyond its borders .
4 By the middle part of the century , he was the owner , the mill having lost its fulling mill , now consisting solely of the corn mill and , perhaps rather incongruously , the dye house .
5 C'zinsit was far ahead , wheeling in wide circles which brought him every so often closer to Kiku as she now rode sedately towards the hills .
6 When the National Rivers Authority heard of the Gold Line product they asked for samples , and so impressed were they that Steve now supplies exclusively to the Thames and Severn/Trent divisions , which both have extensive coarse fish breeding stations .
7 He muttered something in sympathy and smiled with contentment at his fellow diners through the clouds of tobacco smoke by now hanging thickly across the table .
8 The deeply moated site of the former manor house marks the edge of the old settlement ; sheep now graze peacefully over the remains of the village and over the ridge and furrow patterns of what were once the communal arable fields .
9 Being resident , Bill was a familiar sight in the bar for many years , occupying a settle which now sits forlornly outside the Ladies ' locker room entrance .
10 The project now goes ahead to the Council of Ministers for approval .
11 A further £7,500 ( approx ) will be added as a result of sales of this issue : just over 10p of the cover price now goes directly into the fund .
12 Cardiff have always attracted players , but what has fuelled the apprehension of the other Merit Table clubs is that they , along with Newport , are now competing eagerly in the transfer market .
13 The pair of Cardinals who since being removed from the community tank had been separated , were now placed together in the breeding tank .
14 No-one knows how long it has been there , high up in the courtyard of the Palazzo Segni Masetti , which now belongs largely to the Associazione Commercianti .
15 A decade ago it would have been inconceivable that we would now know enough about the molecules of cancer to consider genetic intervention .
16 He called it the Arnold Register , after American general Hap Arnold , and set about tracking down thousands of people , now scattered all round the world .
17 Each part of the company has been asked to look for ways of doing more , with less , and the performance improvements now happening all over the company are starting to feed through to the bottom line .
18 Entire families too had travelled to the station on bicycles … bicycles that were now parked untidily by the diamond woodwork of the station-yard fence .
19 And of course the stock exchanges , by now trading largely in the shares of industrial and transport undertakings , flourished as never before .
20 Out with the carp rods again and straight into fish — we had now caught somewhere in the region of eighty fish between us all on boilies ( which was n't bad considering they do n't eat them remember ) up to around 17lb .
21 Show that the incidence of a tax will now fall mainly on the purchaser .
22 She now moved away from the case and looked at a list attached , low down , on the wall to the side of the smokers ' requisites demonstration case .
23 Now homes all over the country are having their flues and chimneys unblocked , and old-fashioned fireplaces are being reinstated .
24 It was now pegged again within the range of between 5.39166 and 5.72516 to the ECU .
25 The juvenile starlings now behaved differently from the adults .
26 Miss Needham was now slumped slightly in the saddle .
27 As for Sir Robert , who is , I believe , a man with a strong marketing background , might I suggest that he emerges from the confines of his embattled empire and experiences at first hand the market in which he is now operating incognito during the evening rush-hour .
28 I had now turned right across the width of the mill where another staircase led up to the top floor .
29 He is now living apart from the children 's mother , but can not be named for legal reasons .
30 ‘ I am now looking forward to the Potteries Marathon which is my favourite race because there is so much local support to spur you on . ’
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