Example sentences of "while [prep] the same time [being] " in BNC.

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1 The conscientious lay person was simply involved in a two-way process of having his or her conscience informed , while at the same time being protected from making unintended errors of judgement .
2 This would allow the Argentinians to stay well clear of the exclusion zone around the Falklands Islands while at the same time being able to attack ships anywhere inside it .
3 While Marx 's own writing does not relate ideology directly to ‘ false consciousness ’ there is in his use of the term a meaning of distortion and a failure to represent ‘ reality ’ while at the same time being determined by material reality .
4 In these fields , too , we are sometimes able to identify social phenomena such as an increase in population size , which we can use to explain other phenomena , while at the same time being unable to identify any corresponding regularities in the behaviour or attitudes of individual agents .
5 With the increase of tension between universal education and differential provision , the special qualities of the new English ( under the hegemony of English literature ) for securing the sense of a common culture while at the same time being suited to differential application across the range of educational sectors , caused the Board to look very kindly on the fledgling discipline and to give a great deal of support to its advancement in schools .
6 His relativity theory was able to account for the phenomena that falsified Newton 's theory , while at the same time being able to match Newton 's theory in those areas where the latter had proved successful .
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