Example sentences of "while [pers pn] was [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While I was gazing at the chamber a schoolgirl who was touring the gallery with her father came up and asked me how it worked .
2 That evening while I was strolling by the sea , I felt some small twinge of sadness that I could not possess such physical belongings .
3 Violet Sangston found me while I was searching for a hiding-place .
4 And while I was leaning over the side , Sogono tapped me on the shoulder and said , ‘ How many soldier you kill , Chinaman ?
5 Well then while I was serving as a detective , you can just imagine I made plenty of arrests , and I got along reasonably well with most people , but there was one man I hated yes I hated him , I , I 'd only been a detective I should think for a period of about , oh five or six months , and a man , he called on the Reverend who was the , the vicar of St. Mary where
6 He rang while I was reaching for the phone .
7 On 29 July , while I was teaching at a secondary school near London , I got married to .
8 ‘ They sent me out to do a match report and while I was sitting at a desk typing it up , Captain Bob appeared in the office , attracted by the presence of television cameras .
9 Unbeknown to me , she made some enquiries , and then one Friday , while I was sitting in the coffee shop having a quiet read of a newspaper someone had left , she appeared by my side .
10 ‘ I started from the bottom — a poor family , elementary school , then night school while I was working as a clerk .
11 He was practically running the department while I was working on the store for him , and he 's ready for further things than that ,
12 ‘ When I got home last night and found the yard door bolted I thought the old man had deliberately locked me out but the police reckon that whoever killed father was with him then — while I was banging on the door , trying to get in . ’
13 While I was waiting in the car ( I thought the men would only be a few moments ) , Alan suddenly appeared at the window .
14 One occasion was when my daughter , who I had suspected was a better reader than she had ever let on , casually picked up The Wind in the Willows while I was unpacking after a house-move , and read out the first page with great expression and hardly any mistakes .
15 I got that while I was playing with a band in Houston , Texas ; I walked into a store , saw it on the wall and just flipped .
16 Just prior to this I was under a great deal of pressure to complete a computer program , and went in to work while I was suffering from the flu and not sleeping very well .
17 He tried so hard to help me while I was hurting in the hours it took to reach England ’ .
18 A few years later , while I was talking at a meeting on educational reform , a local superintendent of schools rose from his seat in the back of the room and , moving to the door , said scornfully , so that many could hear , ‘ Well , back to reality ’ .
19 I think she wrote it while I was talking to the doctor , crying my eyes out .
20 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
21 Yeah , I remembered it while I was walking round the shop , cos the more I yeah , the more I thought about it the worse I got when I stood by the machine .
22 We had adopted them while I was preparing for the desert .
23 Karim Khalil , prosecuting , said the girl met Ellis while she was living in the home .
24 While she was looking at the pictures , Griselda , Anna 's mother 's cat , came in and jumped on to the cat woman 's lap .
25 ‘ The last thing my mother wanted was a child underfoot while she was dealing with a baby .
26 He had wandered away from his mother Denise , 25 , on Friday while she was queuing in a busy butcher 's in the Strand shopping centre , Bootle .
27 While she was filming in the south of France , she met the writer Colette who insisted Audrey play Gigi on Broadway in America .
28 A Level while she was working during the day
29 Elaine Dulston , 33 , of Balmoral Road , Darlington , who claimed benefit while she was working as a shop assistant was yesterday ordered by Darlington magistrates to pay £891 compensation to the DSS .
30 For while she was working on the Channel Four movie , Rubber Stamp , it was revealed that her sideline was staging sex shows .
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