Example sentences of "number [prep] people [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The local newspaper , the Los Angeles Times , put the total number of people shot over the weekend at 53 .
2 Reading section 4 of the Act with the other relevant interpretative sections , it is hardly surprising that a number of people connected with the children 's hearing system saw the Act as a major handicap to their work .
3 The number of people involved in the sort of work there was er something like twelve to twelve and fifteen people er added up er responsible for A B C. So it did n't make any sense to us to think well if Leeds have got a million pound practice there , why have we got nothing here .
4 The total number of people living below the poverty line ( $370 per year ) in the ‘ developing ’ world will only decline slightly from present levels ( 1,125 million ) to about 825 millions by 2000 .
5 Surveying rural poverty in 114 nations with sizeable rural landholding populations , the report shows that the number of people living below the poverty line has increased by 40 per cent in the past 20 years .
6 At one stage the Hinkley Point site was said to be officially designated as ‘ remote ’ , because the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small — about 1,500 .
7 The total is then distributed among local authorities on the basis of the number of people listed on the Poll Tax register .
8 THE number of people hit by the flood disaster , dubbed the ‘ storm of the century ’ , will exceed 3,000 it was revealed last night .
9 First official event took place during the early afternoon of April 25 , when a large number of people gathered at the memorial site dedicated to the RAF and Allied aircrew .
10 There were disturbances in Drury Lane on 10 June 1695 , when a number of people gathered at the Dog Tavern to celebrate the birthday of the Prince of Wales .
11 This time around , most of the crowd stayed for the full set yet the number of people gathered at The Arena told its own story of one band 's fall from grace .
12 The fact that the housing market is divided into different tenure categories which are governed by different laws and customs means that , when changes in the structure of the housing market occur , and particular tenure categories expand and contract , so the number of people affected by the rules and regulations governing access to and maintenance of rights in particular tenure categories will also expand and contract .
13 It brought the number of people killed over the weekend to 25 .
14 Some sources put the number of people killed in the south-east since 1984 at over 3,000 .
15 Graham 's shops coincided with an increasing number of people taking to the hills .
16 The statistics issued by ICAO over the last three decades show beyond any doubt that , despite a vast increase in the number of people taking to the air each year , the likelihood of any public transport passenger being killed diminishes .
17 With machinery being used more and more on the farms , the village has seen the number of people employed on the land drastically fall , and is now one of many with commuters travelling further afield to their place of employment .
18 It can , however , be claimed that though the expansion of employment in the public sector was not directly responsible for the decline in the number of people employed in the manufacturing sector because it did not use the same labour sources and because there was no labour shortage anyhow , it was , nevertheless , indirectly responsible because it led to a decline in private profit and hence to a shortage of capital for investment in the manufacturing industries .
19 Darlington council should do something as quickly as possible to have repairs done to the perimeter fencing , they would be surprised at the number of people wandering through the park at night , plus the vandalism which is caused by certain people whose sole object is to thieve and destroy .
20 He finished the service by announcing tersely that some of the large number of people jailed during the night had been released .
21 Meanwhile , XFM executives have commissioned an independent survey in the boroughs of Camden and Islington , to determine the number of people tuning into the station .
22 ‘ A rate cut will encourage the large number of people teetering on the edge of a decision to enter the market . ’
23 THERE has been a big rise in the number of people going to the Sellafield Visitors Centre .
24 Although the number of people working on the land falls every year , the latest five-year figures show farm fatalities are not decreasing .
25 During this period the number of people working in the office in Carlisle virtually doubled at almost no cost to the BDA , and valuable contributions were made in all departments .
26 He has cut public transport funding and cut in the number of people employed in the public transport service .
27 erm when Queenie talks about the increase in number of people employed by the City Council you can not deliver more services with fewer people .
28 What was most important , though , was that these socially more distinguished patrons were indeed creating a fashion ; they were sanctioning movie-going not only for other less bold middle-class families but also for all that vast number of people caught in the twilight zone between middle-class comfort and the lumpenproletariat .
29 From 1971 to 1989 the number of people insured with the largest insurers , British United Provident Association ( BUPA ) , Private Patients ' Plan ( PPA ) and the Western Provident Association ( WPA ) , rose from 2.1 million to 5.2 million ( Central Statistical Office , 1990 ) .
30 In its latest report on the spread of AIDS ( acquired immune deficiency syndrome ) , published on July 31 , 1990 , the World Health Organization ( WHO ) said that the AIDS epidemic was " accelerating dramatically " and raised its estimate of the number of people infected with the AIDS virus ( HIV ) to between 8,000,000 and 10,000,000 .
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