Example sentences of "while at the [adj] time [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The political challenge for those on the left is how to meet this self-assertiveness , which is clearly linked to self-fulfilment , while at the same time building support for policies that favour those on low incomes and the underclass .
2 Freud , as suggested in Chapter 2 , argued that the state and politics are transferred father figures : organisations and people on whom those with little power and authority can depend for safeguards while at the same time suffering imposed personal restrictions .
3 Though this neatly solves the problem of how man can make history while at the same time history makes him , it does not answer the larger question of how a multiplicity of the products of individual acts , ‘ totalizations ’ , can themselves be totalized into the overall totalization required by the logic of dialectical rationality — rather than being the arbitrary , blind and self-cancelling movements of , say , Hardy 's immanent will .
4 This should include an attitude of acceptance on the part of the therapist towards the patient 's problems and behaviour , while at the same time limits will need to be set in terms of what the therapist is able to provide and tolerate .
5 Husbands will stay fit , happy and in the village XI , while at the same time gardeners , handymen and babysitters will be able to build thriving businesses in a free-market economy , thereby dragging us all out of recession .
6 The Treaty provisions endeavour to establish a system of workable competition to maintain a choice for consumers , purchasers and suppliers , and to ensure that market entry remains unhindered by anti-competitive practices while at the same time supply and demand are allowed to operate freely , so ensuring that the prices at which goods are sold in the market place are competitive .
7 In some cases the State conducting the investigation ( by virtue of being the State of occurrence ) sought only to exonerate the services ( chiefly air traffic control and navigational services ) from any involvement in the cause of the accident while at the same time being content to attribute the cause of the accident to some shortcoming on the part of the pilots without seeking to find out why they made such mistakes .
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