Example sentences of "something [prep] which [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This might help them to see his lack of social responsiveness as a symptom of his illness and something for which they should make allowances rather than as an unfriendly act or a personal slight on their company .
2 There were ripples of self-satisfied laughter , as if to have such a mad dream was something for which they could congratulate themselves .
3 It was , I felt sure , something about which she would have something to say .
4 This respect for Eliot and the desire to do something of which he would approve , was further manifested in the Maritains ' wish that I should visit Bergson .
5 There is , I am glad to say , no direct allusion to the activities in which you engage in the Koran or in the Hadith of the prophet , although from what I know of the blessed Muhammad — may God rest him and grant him peace — it is not something of which he would approve .
6 Something with which we could go to the customer and say , ‘ This is the sort of thing it is now possible to do .
7 I looked round for something with which I could knock him out after we had taken off .
8 There are peel-off labels for the long holiday dates , something with which you can amuse yourself on the next bank holiday .
9 The genius of the football supporter is that he has managed to convert something as unappetizing and unpromising as an English football season into something from which he can take pleasure .
10 The middle-class children 's toy is never intended for mere amusement or pleasure ; its prime interest is its educational value , the child must absorb the toy as a challenge , something from which it will learn in order to improve itself .
11 It is something on which they can rely and something that their colleagues in other countries will find difficult to deny .
12 Well that 's not something on which I would wish to comment on .
13 This is something on which you will need legal advice , from a lawyer familiar with the law in that country .
14 ( Readers should note the exclusivity of the choice presented here ; something to which I shall return . )
15 A number of tradesmen in the timber , textile and tin-plate industries looked upon coffin-making and funeral furnishing as something by which they could profit , and it was not unknown for some to meet with such success that they abandoned their established trade to go into undertaking full time .
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