Example sentences of "much [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I do n't how much that compassion and love for fellow people goes beyond his wife to the congregation .
2 Before the party , there had been much careful planning and changing of plan .
3 Good hotel design can not have too much careful planning and attention to detail , as a regular hotel user , explains .
4 On the question of a moral lead by the bishops and others , the overriding Christian message is not so much moral exhortation as justification by faith from moral failure .
5 There is much great prose and poetry to be enjoyed in this way and to provide endless and valuable practice material , but it must be memorized first .
6 Although Richard Baxter did n't die of tuberculosis , it nevertheless left him with much bodily weakness and pain for the remainder of his life .
7 To quote Piesse again , " If there is much legal jargon and intricacy of arrangement [ the client ] may feel he is the victim of some art practised perhaps for the draftsman 's own purposes or at least with neglectful indifference to its effect on ordinary people " ( p54 ) .
8 The organization of field-work has proved tremendously time-consuming for teachers , and the complications of a timetable so predominantly practical and involving so much more experimentation and research on the part of the pupils have not always been overcome .
9 This creates much more diversity and flexibility within the organisation .
10 This is largely because there has always been so much more speculation than information about the personal stability of Perry Farrell .
11 They therefore have much more freedom and scope for accommodation , and are much less likely to conform to the same fixed pattern .
12 Conversely , if developing countries dislike being used as illicit rubbish dumps , they must devote much more cash and effort to improving the quality of their own waste-disposal facilities , and preventing illegal dumping .
13 So what you would see is the machine , as it were , engaging the patient in a much more perhaps conversational mode and with much more feedback and response to the way in which the patient is answering the questions or behaving , rather than just , as it were , a machine which elicits information from the patient and compares it with a statistical set of data .
14 Much more information and research within cities is needed before the architects are called in : the research that WHO are currently coordinating in several cities in Africa and Asia must examine the assumptions underlying their policy .
15 Provided there is a basic commitment to education , therefore , her example offers real hope to the many teachers , in both secondary and primary schools , who find themselves having to teach RE with much less knowledge and experience of the subject to back them than they would wish .
16 This region will be absorbing much Turkish attention and money in the coming years .
17 We would consequently have to register some losses : we should be deprived of the 490 pages of Kurt von Fritz , The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity ( 1954 ) , which would be a pity because , against all probabilities , there is much incidental wisdom and knowledge in this preposterous attempt to compare the surely non-existent mixed constitution of Rome with the doubtfully existent mixed constitution of the United States .
18 The ones who do object , and with reason , are those whose land has been trampled over without care , whose stock have got loose because gates have been left open or walls broken down , or whose sheep have cut themselves or choked to death on the bottles and plastic bags thrown away by the Wandering Wallies of this world that have as much common sense and appreciation of the countryside as a toad has feathers .
19 The counsellor should become fully acquainted with as much relevant knowledge and information in as many professional spheres as possible , and use that knowledge in an attempt to ensure that the best possible treatment and care for the counsellee is obtained .
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