Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] [prep] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alex Brown thanked Mr Lang for taking the time to talk to the milk producers present but said : ‘ We know the final decision rests on your shoulders because it will be for the Secretary of State for Scotland to decide on whether proposals for vertically integrated milk co-operatives distort competition after the milk boards are deregulated . ’
2 Left winger Ken Livingstone claimed last night that more than 100 Labour MPs will follow Mr Gould in defying the leadership over Europe .
3 Mr Shara said Damascus put proposals to Mr Christopher on resolving the fate of the deportees , who have spent nine weeks in a makeshift camp between Israeli and Lebanese lines , so that peace talks can be resumed as soon as possible .
4 The majority of EC governments support Mr Delors in using the impulse of the moves to democracy in Eastern Europe , and the overwhelming backing for EMU shown at last weekend 's Strasbourg summit , to secure a bigger role for the parliament .
5 He said he was ‘ absolutely stone cold certain ’ of winning a clear majority — though later on Channel 4 News he declined to follow Mr Kinnock in predicting the size of his majority .
6 The commission , ‘ while finding it necessary to admonish Mr Chapman and two of the players … also recognized the straightforwardness of Mr Chapman in reporting the matter .
7 We have heard quite a lot , colleagues , about pensions and pension schemes over the last eighteen months perhaps we have to actually thank Mr Maxwell for raising the issue , even if those pensioners he cheated wo n't thank him .
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