Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] have [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone knows Mr Baker has edited the Faber Book of English History in Verse , and included some lines from Henry V , but even there he never got to that particular bit .
2 Mr Gummer has used the guest house for every Tory conference since his student days and he told friends that he has been rewarded for his continued custom with the best room in the house .
3 It was later revealed that Mr Argles had employed a boy who had been convicted of offences against young children .
4 She said since the complaint Mr Uddin had attended a hygiene course and intensified cleaning procedures .
5 Mr Stewart has held a number of senior ICI posts on Teesside , the most recent as general manager of Phillips-Imperial Petroleum .
6 That may be why Mr Houghton has given the job of turning round the kitchenware business to Richard Dulude .
7 Mr Totteridge had spent the day in the garden until five pm and then apparently unperturbed , they had driven out to dine with friends in Norwich .
8 But , at little cost , Mr Museveni has won the hearts of most of his people , the Baganda .
9 The National Union of Civil and Public Servants claimed that Mr Newton had given the impression of a tendering exercise having taken place .
10 But Mr Shamir has given no sign of softening his opposition to any contact with the PLO , or with Palestinians from outside , including those deported for activities hostile to Israel .
11 Mr Truman has made a number of discoveries and new attributions , not without correcting even the minutest mistake in the previous catalogue .
12 But yesterday 's Daily Mail said , under the front-page headline ‘ This Bankrupt Chancellor , ’ that Mr Lawson had betrayed the people and his party ; had reneged on monetarism ; and should go .
13 Mr Lawson 's had a brace .
14 Mr McWhirter had summoned a taxi to take him home , as he often did when afflicted with the snap and bite of chilblain pains .
15 The parliamentary debate enters its fifth day tomorrow but Mr Gligorov has said no decision will be taken at the end of the session because no formal proposal has been received from the United Nations .
16 Within a month , Mr K had found a buyer for the lease .
17 Mr McCue had seen the ski jump being used and commented : ‘ I saw very few people actually ski from the very top of the ramp most of them start half way down . ’
18 Three months after Mr Day sought official clearance , Mr Walker has given the go-ahead .
19 The committee headed by Mr Nutting has issued the writs on behalf of 814 names but hopes that more will join the action .
20 Mr Amin had unfortunately missed spotting the figures , but Mr Al-Haroun had seen the flaws and alerted Mr Steve Pyle .
21 That ‘ Mr Lavoisier had found a method of making inflammable air ( hydrogen ) for a halfpenny per cubic foot ’ , a fifth of the usual price , attracted Priestley 's attention .
22 She and Mr Singh had visited the school for a Christmas event and had been pleased to hear that Balbinder was being moved into the second class .
23 So far Mr Gorbachov has given no indication of how he intends to spend his prize of seven hundred thousand dollars .
24 After devoting much of the first ten years of his presidency to slow development of the institutions of democracy , Mr Mubarak has spent the past two in regression .
25 The tribunal was told that Mr Nicholson had shown a vibrator to a class of teenage boys , and also invited pupils to chalk four-letter words on the blackboard and to shout-out ‘ the F-word ’ and other swear words .
26 For example , what if Mr Heath had won the February 1974 general election , as he nearly did , and carried on as Prime Minister ?
27 Mr Gould had urged a referendum on the Maastricht treaty and Mr Blunkett had called for sterling to be revalued in the ERM .
28 Mr Bartle had ruled the delay in notifying Sergeant Robert Goodger and Constables Ian Storrar , Nigel Pratt , Gavin Steff , Terence Chitty and Ivan Szubin of the allegation , and delay in bringing the prosecution was prejudicial and an abuse of the court process .
29 Mr Gillis had stuck a plastic hook near the top of this door on the inside and it was here that he chose to hang his white trilby .
30 And in 1963 The Times carried the cheerful news that a Mr Cock had married a Miss Prick .
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