Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] have [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was later revealed that Mr Argles had employed a boy who had been convicted of offences against young children .
2 She said since the complaint Mr Uddin had attended a hygiene course and intensified cleaning procedures .
3 Mr Stewart has held a number of senior ICI posts on Teesside , the most recent as general manager of Phillips-Imperial Petroleum .
4 Mr Truman has made a number of discoveries and new attributions , not without correcting even the minutest mistake in the previous catalogue .
5 Mr Lawson 's had a brace .
6 Mr McWhirter had summoned a taxi to take him home , as he often did when afflicted with the snap and bite of chilblain pains .
7 Within a month , Mr K had found a buyer for the lease .
8 That ‘ Mr Lavoisier had found a method of making inflammable air ( hydrogen ) for a halfpenny per cubic foot ’ , a fifth of the usual price , attracted Priestley 's attention .
9 The tribunal was told that Mr Nicholson had shown a vibrator to a class of teenage boys , and also invited pupils to chalk four-letter words on the blackboard and to shout-out ‘ the F-word ’ and other swear words .
10 Mr Gould had urged a referendum on the Maastricht treaty and Mr Blunkett had called for sterling to be revalued in the ERM .
11 Mr Gillis had stuck a plastic hook near the top of this door on the inside and it was here that he chose to hang his white trilby .
12 And in 1963 The Times carried the cheerful news that a Mr Cock had married a Miss Prick .
13 Mr Nigel Griffiths , Labour consumer affairs spokesman , asked why Mr Forth had refused a ban on the eggs , which were still on sale .
14 But Mr Ishihara has made a career out of being shocking , and he has a good motive .
15 It appeared that once , and once only , Mr Donovan had had a success .
16 Mr Yenici had put a Kidney for Sale advert in an Istanbul newspaper .
17 Mr Storm has had a family link with the Council since 1908 when his late father , Mr Alexander Storm , was appointed Town Clerk .
18 Shortly before his death , Mr Hancock had added a codicil stipulating that if either woman contested the will , she would automatically be excluded as a beneficiary .
19 Mr Malik had tried a number of rhymes for the opening number .
20 The 355mm ( 14in ) twin plate unit that came with the gearbox could n't be fitted into the space available , so Mr Tomlinson had to write a cheque for £800 to buy a special Case IH single plate unit .
21 He scorned Government claims that Mr Lamont had produced a package for jobs and said it was concerned with saving only one job — the Chancellor 's .
22 Mr Owen has prepared a £100,000 plan to make the building , which dates back well into the last century , safe by partial demolition , repairs and site clearance .
23 In Washington the state department said Mr Yeltsin had sent a message assuring the United States that he remained committed to democracy , human rights and civic order .
24 Mr Mobutu said on Thursday he believed he could produce an agreement this month , after Mr Savimbi had had a week of talks with US officials , including 30 minutes with President Bush , and agreed to accept Mr Mobutu as mediator between his Unita guerrilla organisation and the Luanda government .
25 Businessmen will not soon forget that Mr Steinkühler has dealt a blow against Germany 's reputation as a financial centre .
26 Other Tory MPs admit privately that an elected authority for London makes sense ; they fear Mr Kinnock has stolen a march on them .
27 In bringing Labour to the edge of victory , Mr Kinnock has performed a near-miracle .
28 With the country still in deep recession , Mr Kinnock has to superintend a set of domestic polities which are complex , high-risk and frighteningly expensive , with the risk of disaster unless he changes his whole approach to administration .
29 Mr Balladur has taken a gamble that the deflationary effect of higher taxes will be offset by a restoration of public confidence and a continuing fall in interest rates .
30 Later he described how a car , driven by Mr Gooch had struck a kerb , swerved across the road , before being catapulted back again and out of site .
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