Example sentences of "never [vb past] the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I played soccer all the way through school and never entertained the thought of rugby until a couple of friends took me down to Preston Grasshoppers .
2 As his biographer Suárez Fernández admits , " Franco never cultivated the art of paradox . "
3 Yet they never expected the Duke of Edinburgh to accompany the Queen everywhere , or Mark Phillips to be seen with Princess Anne .
4 ‘ I knew I had landed my 100th winner , ’ Charlie told me ‘ but I never expected the sort of reaction I received from the crowd .
5 I made a lot of mistakes as any young person does , but I never made the mistake of thinking I knew it all as far as the Africans were concerned . "
6 Rowland Jones , from Wimbledon Park Golf Club , was a promising golfer but never made the grade in comparison with the Great Triumvirate of Vardon , Braid and Taylor .
7 It is indeed strange that Anselm never referred the question to Ivo , bishop of Chartres : he knew him as a friend , but not apparently as the greatest authority on Canon Law in northern Europe .
8 He never found the proximity of women offensive or objectionable , which was probably due to Pershti 's gentle influence ( she had not been Shannish ) , but it took Lucien a while to overcome a feeling of discomfort , having so many of them around him .
9 She never learnt the significance of uncertainty .
10 Despite their constant preoccupation with temporal phenomena , the Maya never attained the idea of time as the journey of a single bearer with his load .
11 Dustin never forgot the importance of Henry Livings 's play in his career , and many years later , when he was making Agatha in England , he sought the modest playwright out and took him to lunch at a smart restaurant .
12 She never forgot the sound of Italy , brutal as the sunshine on the hard pavements , and the nightly passage of crowds in the Piazza .
13 Their small mission accomplished , Tennyson and Hallam sank back to being tourists , and Tennyson never forgot the scenery around Cauterets , which he associated for the rest of his long life with the happiness he had felt when travelling there with the beloved but now dead Hallam .
14 Manzoni was a modest man and never enjoyed the standards of living which his fame would have allowed — the bedroom has a simple iron bed , the fireplace is small , the armchairs ordinary .
15 There can be no significant relation between a hypothesis in our physics and a superficially similar idea in a tradition which never developed the procedures of mathematization and controlled experiment .
16 So much of him was drawn into his eyes that he never heard the drumming of hooves cross the plateau from the ramp , or the rattle of the chains as the drawbridge was lowered in haste .
17 He lacked spark from the start and never hit the kind of form which won him this title in the same ring last October .
18 He said that seven political parties were covertly assisted , but insisted that the funding operations " never subverted the independence of Namibia " .
19 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
20 Civil legal aid allowed the couple to set in motion their quest for compensation , though in the end their case never reached the Court of Session .
21 They never reached the standard of work evidenced by the Parthenon or the Erechtheion .
22 Happily , we lived in a much more enlightened time during World War 2 , I never understood the treatment of LMF cases ; it was something I could not understand as outlined in the Air Ministry Order , which was a very harsh document and did not give much leeway in the treatment of a chap if he felt he could not do any more .
23 Individual Unionists played important parts in the government and many Unionist policies were implemented in full , but the party as a whole never took the government to heart as its own .
24 Well I never saw the sea on fire but f when we wen went into the sea I mean we were directly beneath the platform , and at that stage I mean the whole platform was on fire .
25 But you never saw the king of beasts clap his forepaws nor balance a ball on his nose !
26 Before considering even those issues , however , there is one more very obvious question to ask : which is why Tolkien never saw The Silmarillion into print himself , and why the Unfinished Tales remained unfinished .
27 And we must certainly say that he never saw the issues of language and imagery which feminists today believe to be crucial : he evidently refers without second thought to God as ‘ Father ’ .
28 He and Ockrent go back a long way — to a jointly written screenplay for Paul MacCartney , which ‘ never saw the light of day — a damn shame , because it was a lot better than Broad Street .
29 ‘ There was nice stuff written during that era but it never saw the light of day .
30 For the first three days we were locked in the classrooms and never saw the light of day . ’
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