Example sentences of "as [adv] as [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the process does n't work ( that is , accord with our intuitions ) anything like as powerfully as it does in music .
2 He had pulled a hamstring during his warm-up and had done well to patrol as relentlessly as he did for an hour .
3 With their bizarre appearance and seemingly mysterious but treacherous way of life , the dodders have certainly latched on to human imagination as successfully as they do to the innumerable species of plants they parasitise , spawning fables , myths and fascinating names such as love vine , immortal vine , vine in the sky , beggar vine , strangleweed , devil 's gut , scald and so on .
4 Even in the very early days of the company , we were aware of the importance of recruitment selection and training and we would not have been able to grow as successfully as we have without it ’ , says
5 That same prize will elude the British for as long as they yearn for it publicly .
6 They seem unskilled in the simple acts that console women when they are distressed — like being held gently for as long as they need to be held , making murmuring noises rather than using words ( or even worse , forming sentences ) , wiping tears away and blowing noses … in other words giving the same comfort which you would give to a child .
7 Do they really go on for as long as they seem to , or are they , as some people have suggested , fleeting sensations before waking up ?
8 The issues Rushdie involuntarily personifies are great indeed , and for as long as they continue to be treated as an inconvenience , democracy itself is diminished .
9 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
10 Snooker frames with Julian last about twice as long as they do with anybody else .
11 ‘ That done , ’ he went on determinedly , ‘ and for as long as it takes for him to get you out of his system , you will be my girlfriend .
12 It takes as long as it does for a dog to douse a tree trunk .
13 Even though there is n't much space for plot or characters in between the authorial wisecracks , at 435 ill-written pages Gridlock is about four times as long as it needs to be .
14 Just keep going for as long as you like on that line .
15 This means that any single frame can be found quickly and accurately and it can be held on the screen for as long as you like without damaging the disc .
16 As regards the incompetent child , only his parents or legal guardian may speak for him , and then only for as long as he remains under their control or until majority at 18 years of age .
17 The fields which Miss Lockwood owned are also left to you , Sara , with the provision that Mr. Preston must have the use of them for as long as he requires for his horses . "
18 He has convinced Roderigo that Othello 's attraction for Desdemona is purely sensual , will soon be satiated , and that then Desdemona will love him ; even though the dupe is constantly doubting that vision , Iago manages to sustain it for as long as he needs to .
19 ‘ He 's there for as long as he wants to be , ’ said Eaton .
20 He had asked John Prior Estlin for letters of introduction to the Unitarian ministers at Bridgwater and Taunton , and became a regular preacher in both towns for as long as he remained at Stowey .
21 It is unlikely that he would have gone to a children 's home in the first place and stayed for as long as he did before fostering was tried .
22 THE author Salman Rushdie is not one to let death threats prevent him doing pretty much what he wants to , as flamboyantly as he wants to .
23 He took the Canal Turn as fluently as he had on the first circuit , then swept towards Valentine 's Brook .
24 There is a certain doubt as to whether the universe is old enough for any Black Dwarfs to have been produced as yet , but eventually it must happen , and this will be the final fate of the Sun — though we will not be there to see ; the Earth can hardly expect to survive the Red Giant stage , when the Sun will radiate at least a hundred times as fiercely as it does at present .
25 I imagine you have to secure one of these as soon as it comes on the market . ’
26 I have never experienced an aggressive or bullying rasbora of any species , and they mix well in the peaceful community aquarium , swimming alongside companions from the other side of the world as easily as they integrate with their natural South East Asian cohabitants .
27 I wonder if I will get away with things as easily as I have on other serious falls and I wonder what it will feel like at the bottom .
28 It does n't come to me as easily as it does to you . "
29 And Beuno said nothing , but he looked at him as mildly as he looks at the trout that he catches in the stream , and the doctor said , ‘ Until tomorrow ’ , and he left , and Beuno watched him go as mildly as he watches the sheep when he frees them from where they are caught in the hedge .
30 For several months the Hong Kong Sevens waited , hoping that the country 's two rugby bodies would unite as quickly as they had in some other sports — most notably cricket .
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